What if Someone Broke into Your House?

I simply cannot understand why someone would want to defend illegal immigration. It’s irrational. If you feel that we have a healthy flow of immigration and approve of the influx of foreign nationals into our country, fine that is your opinion. But, to proceed to excuse illegal activity is insane.

Let’s run-down what results from rampant illegal immigration

  1. Crime - Not necessarily from the people coming over either (so relax I’m not racist). Instead I’m referring to the people that are bringing them over. The smuggling rings of drug dealers and the like, taking advantage of these desperate people and often times Mexican’s coming over the boarder illegally find themselves in a sort of indentured servitude to these people once they are here.

  2. Our inability to control our borders is extremely dangerous in light of our current international situation. Yes, I’m referring to the threat of terrorism. I wish we weren’t in the situation we are in, but we are and there are many people in the world that would love to do harm to Americans on our soil. It would be nice if we could prevent this, yes?

  3. Economy. Illegal immigrants are taking jobs away from American’s. They are not being taxed on their income and are using our public services such as schools, healthcare, welfare, filling prisons etc without contributing back into the system. The farming industry will not implode if we stemmed to flow of illegals or even reformed the system to allow amnesty. I’m sorry if the huge corporate farms wont be making as many millions. They already recieve obscene subsidies from Uncle Sam to guarantee a profit.

I could go on, but you get the idea.


Legal Immigration is good. Illegal Immigration is BAD