What is everyone doing with their money?

I understand your desire for investing in non-exploitive & humanitarian friendly companies and I bet there’s an ETF out there for you, they have everything else covered!

Do you want a clear conscience or financial independence? Are these conflicting notions?

Sin sells. Sex, drugs, booze, gambling has big profits. Keep the sheep liquored up and ignorantly squandering money on lotto & slots and I’ll take the profits from them.

I lack remorse for fleecing the fiscally dumb in order to get ahead. There are those amongst us that feel the need to wrench ourselves from this existence of depending on a company that does not truly value our effort and could pull the rug out from under us on a whim.

10% of pay into 401K

money market instead of savings

moving stocks around once a month

not having debt + being smart with loot= long term comfort

rack up tons of debt buying B.S. that has no real value in turn boosting the economy and in the end claim bankruptcy and everything will be as good as before…

Do away with Social Security so I won’t have to support you when you’re old and have no money. :smiley: j/k… kind of…

a large chunk of my paycheck goes right into my 401k at the moment and it will remain this way for as long as it works out. other than that i have the usual savings account and a money market account that i’ve had for about 7 years now.

10% to my 401K, 20% to my Roth IRA. a little to the credit union, and i invest in 16 year old moneypit pickup trucks.

i have 2 savings accounts, the one i make a “mortgage” payment every month as if i owned a house, which i dont. but it’ll make a big downpayment when its time. the other is my car mod. saving account. lol its pretty drained.

I spend all my money at Mike’s Place.

and BP

in all honesty, the economy is in a slump cause its all consumer driven now-a-days, with all this investing, less spending and more saving, it just hurts the economy and then your money you invested looses value when stocks fall…

Buying a house

building honda civics

I guess I don’t so much count cuz I don’t have a real job but this works anyways, I spend each and every penny I have on 2 things.
Gas, to drive to college and work.

fuck real estate. have you not noticed it’s going straight down the toilet. If you’re gonna get into that, at least wait till it hits rock bottom. Of course there are some communities that are on the upswing and you can still get good profits out of… Commodities are where its at. the people I work for make a FUCKING KILLING in natural gas. billions, son. It’s sickening.