What is the longest you have sat at a computer?

I just beat my personal best today @ 25.5hrs, only getting up 6 times to go to the bathroom and eat, for a total of 45mins… And I just finished a siiqqqq set of drawings


How long?

i’d say maybe about 21 hours. it invovled alot of call of duty…then more COD and posisbly some Cs:s.

yea i think the most iv ever sat at a PC is 19 hours, and that was to play CoD and for a online class for school.

about 15 weeks. end of my 4th year of undergrad. :bloated:

actually, working on my senior project as part of that ^^^ I was once in the computer lab for 38 hours straight

Maybe 5hrs. If that.
But as far as Video games go for what Pat posted. I played GTA Vice City PS2 when it first came out, for 24 Hrs straight, long time ago. No time for fun like that now-a-day.

Including about 3 hours for running to grab food at some random places, and hittin’ the restroom, 75 hours bootcamping for Call of Duty prior to CXG. :slight_smile:

Nerd fo life.

too long…
warcrack .

42 hours during a 48 hour marathon match of TFC. At hour 42 I got up to go take a cold shower. I woke up 2 steps away from the computer on the floor a few hours later.

Hrm CXG, that tourny in las vegas that FLOPPED REAAAAL BAD?

I’ve probably been on my pc for like 16+ hours playing

WC2, D2, UO, CS 1.0 - 1.3

Ever since I got internet sadly, I’ve been mostly glued to my computer playing some sort of videogame

:tup" carl. i wanna check them out…what room you in for studio…maybe ill try and pop in tomrrow around 11ish if your around.

Play Age Of Empires III for 32 hours stright. Yes I sloved it. And when Empire Earth II came out I played that forever too. I remember when I played Age Of Empires I online for almost 15 hours stright on the same game (I lost in the end) I have also spent alot of time on Gran Turismo 4 and GTA San Andreas. And my girlfriend hates it LOL.

if you count bathroom/food breaks, I played CS 1.5 all one day, all night, then all day again, I do not remember the exact hours but It was a lot, I also used to play FFXI when I had no job/no school which means all I did was play it all day then would only sleep a few hours since sleep was a waste of time

Man, I pity all of you. At work is the only time I spend an extended amount of time in front of one. I’d have to stab someone if it was anything more than that even. I’m just way too active for that.

8 hours at work daily, the only good part about that is I pay all my bills online from here so that I don’t have to sit in front of my pc at home too much.


eh 11 hours…which was at my last job

about 26 hours on a computer. writing a paper a couple semesters ago, which the teacher assigned at the beginning of the semester, and wanted it at the end. and i waited till the last two days to do it.

as for video games. i used to pull 12 hour shifts on xbox live for halo 2 all the time.

8-10 hours playing unreal tournament,that was a few years ago.

Now I can only get a couple of rounds of CS in without getting bored.

hmmm… maybe 16 hours tops (which includes work, then coming home and jamming on some video games or something). You can only sit in front of one for so long before ya start going crosseyed

Well ive been siting in front of a screen for 8-9 hours a day for the last 5 years so when I get home form work I tend to stay away from the computer. But during college 13-15 hours was the norm all the time.