What is wrong with these people?

These people are starting to scare me more than jihadists.


If I was a public figure I’d be extremely wary of anyone who goes by 3 names. Why are they all murderers?

That is more attention grabbing then anything. Unless he has issues, I see no reason why someone who is serious about it would talk like that.

Really? People looking to kill the most protected individual on the planet kill scare you more than someone trying to kill thousands of unprotected civilains. Now theres a rational fear.

Looks like some sort of mental illness to me.

with a name like daniel murray, it would be extremely irresponsible for them to publish the article without a middle name. not that james is an uncommon middle name, but at least it narrows it down and they did what they could. imagine how many daniel murrays there are.

As in with the growing hysteria people are having now that there is a Democrat in office, leading to some crazy shit like this.

Ask the people of Binghamton or the police in Pittsburgh about what they worry about more, the growing domestic terrorism or muslim terrorism? With the obvious exception being NYC.

If you haven’t seen that there is a growing trend of irrational violent paranoia out there then you are blind.

Look at what happened to Dr. Tiller, now that there isn’t a sympathetic ear in the White House for the anti-abortion nuts out there they have decided to go back to their roots and just kill and terrorize people.

Domestic Terrorism is on the rise and yes that scares me now more than the possibility of an Islamic Terrorist attack.

How do you even draw this conclusion?

Data’s for suckers. The world is as the lens you view it through. :ohnoes:


For eight years you had a anti-choice president, who had the power to appoint justices to the Supreme Court who are against Roe v Wade. You also had an anti-choice party in control of congress. If justices retired under this reality then they would simply be replaced with justices that agree with the conservative view and overturn Row Vs Wade.

Unfortunately for the anti-choice crowd they lost their voice in government when in 2006 Democrats took control of congress and 2009 when they also lost the White House. This means the chances of conservative justices being appoint in the near future is highly doubtful meaning that the right to choose will be protected for years to come.

For the anti-choice nut jobs this is unacceptable and they will continue to assassinate and terrorize all those who are involved in the practice.

Thats domestic terrorism and its in response to Obama being elected.

If you think I’m wrong tell me why?

Really? then what is your take on the Muslim man who shot and killed an army recruiting officer and seriously wounded another in the name of Allah? why are you not concerned about that but you will bash someone who killed a baby killer. Not that I condone what he did, you can’t be pro life and kill someone. The muslims have a muslim sympothyser in office and they still kill people. Your logic is flawed.

what reality do you live in? So you have no problems with 3rd trimester abortions? do you even have a soul?

It doesn’t work like that. You might be right, but without information showing a correlation between Jesusland Protectionism action and what party controls government (taking in to account other variables), it’s just a guess.

This just proves how hypocritical people are though. Yes, every group of people has it’s extremists, but that does not mean that they are ALL like that.

Actually what he said was that, he killed the recruiter because “the American military does bad things to Muslims”

Wonder where he got that Idea?

And at the comment, “anti-choice” You sound as bad as pelosi trying to spin things with her creative lexicon. Gotta love the thought process, “lets change the term so that people won’t associate the act with the term that actually describes what it is or it’ll just confuse people so they won’t know what we are trying to shove down their throats.”

:picard: I can’t believe they let you teach children. You act as if there weren’t any pro-choice people who voiced their opinions about how they wanted to kill bush. This is nothing new and will happen anytime one party gains majority control over the other party.

Meh, I like Zer0daze’s ideology, just buy guns and wait till we can play darwin.

I feel like i’m missing something here. :lol:

My logic is not flawed, I don’t condone the acts of that guy killing the recruiter, I just think there are more people who are going hysterical because Obama is in office.

This is what I can’t stand about you. You think I would totally condone late-term abortion no matter what. I believe a woman has the right to choose up to a point. When she is in her third trimester and her doctor is worried about her life then I think she should have the right to abort.

Tiller preformed over 200 late-term abortions at his clinic in 2006 he is one of only 3 doctors who preform the operation. Are you going to try and tell me that there is less than 200 women in the entire country who might have complications during pregnancy that might benefit from this procedure?

I’m not saying everyone who is anti-choice is a nut job, I’m only talking about the ones who are.

Bullshit, they call themselves “pro-life” so if you are not “pro-life” what does that make you “pro-death”. They are against a womans right to choose to have an abortion, they are anti-choice. When you have a group that involves killers you no longer have the right to consider yourself “pro-life”, its completely hypocritical.

Please source me a few times that a pro-choice person assassinated and terrorized people who were anti-choice even remotely to the extent perpetrated by the anti-choice crowd. Give me at least two examples in the last 10 years. Otherwise STFU because you have nothing.