What kind of adventures do you know of?

So I’ve been thinking about doing a trip in March and I’m trying to get ideas for shit to do. I don’t want to just go somewhere and sit on a beach all day. I’d rather do a trip where the destination is only a portion of the actual experience. I figure just talking about it on here will get some good ideas out there. I am partial to tropical weather, though. :slight_smile:

What adventures have you gone on or have wanted to go on?

I’ve done the Kalalau trail in Kauai, Hawaii. Easily my most enjoyable trip. It’s 22 miles round trip, so nothing crazy, but it was never level. Lots of elevation change. You end at a beach that can only be reached by that trail or by water. The trail had multiple vistas and incredible views and the people I met on the trail we’re awesome too. There are actually some people living in the valley at the end. My only regret is that I wish I would have stayed longer.

So what else is out there. I’ve thought about doing Angel Falls in Venzuela, but need to do more research on it.

Backpacking anywhere is always an adventure.

Algonquin Provincial Park in Canada is local-ish (6 hours out of buffalo), and is great for canoe trips where you backpack/portage (hike with your canoe) the whole time. Minimal food, tons of nature (canoed right past a fucking moose when I was there…maybe 15-20 feet away), difficult hikes with a canoe on your shoulder and a full pack on your back, no cell service. The lakes are GORGEOUS. You can see SO far down it’s obsurd. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a 40-50 foot visibility under water. It’s THAT clear. It’s probably the most eye-opening trip I’ve ever taken.

I have heard that backpacking the grand canyon can be really fun/intense as well.

From the sounds of it, you’re looking for something a bit less local though.

Yea the more exotic the better. I like learning about different cultures.

How about Australia? There’s tons of outdoor stuff to do depending on what sort you’re looking for, all kinds of crazy shit goes down in the outback, and the surf is awesome

yeah, figured I would throw it out there incase other people were looking for closer trip ideas.

You’re into surfing right? One of my dream vacations is a Tahiti surf vacation. Live on a boat for a week and just rock out with perfect waves!

hmmm. That’s an idea. I had a friend go to Tahiti while I was in Hawaii. I did photography at the paper with him. All he had to do was pay for his flights and a couple pro surfers had him take pics/video of them surfing Teahupoo. (the crazy break) He stayed with them and they even had a jet ski for him to use. Fuckin bastard…

Nurburgring + Rent a race prepped E36 M3

LOL, I think you should hop in the water at teahupoo lol

That would be an awesome deal to tag along as photographer.

It doesn’t get more adventurous than this: