i didnt say he was wrong now did i?
assassinate the one seeking $1.2m.
ahahhaaaha JFK shit
Bel-air Sux then
belair … wat u pay is wat u get… thats why u pay 3gs instead of 5gs a year from state farm or other big companys… read fine print before signing? its cheaper for a reason, services are poorer and less support.
i cant agree with this at all. I had nothing but problems when i was with statefarm. They are a horrible insurance company to deal with. They never get anything done, they are always “Looking into it” both me and my sister had problems with them. They were randomly taking more money out of her account and charging her more for her insurance, even after she told them to stop and canceled her insurance. She then had to go to the bank and tell them to block statefarm from taking out payments. Shes now been waiting 2 months for them to pay her back. My brother tried to make a claim and it took nothing but a lot of time. they never had answers, and again, they were “Looking into it”.
Ive never heard of a good insurance to deal with until u have been with them for a really long time. So while ur young and under 25 without a house and family, this is how insurance works
You will pay high rates, even though u have a perfect record
They will have their way with u
They will screw u in the end no matter what
The lesson in this, either way ur getting screwed from an insurance company, so stick with the cheapest
But in the end, im sorry to hear about all ur misfortunes hopefully it works out for u in the end. Try to just be determined and dont let them push u around. Tell them what u want done, dont give them choices, and always have a lawyer present if u can.
Best of luck
^+1 They’re all douches. You should never try to pay more for better service, because you won’t get it. I will not endorse any insco, because they’re all tools. I’m with Desjardins currently, decently happy with the rates, but I WILL be shopping around come renewal time, every year, because it makes no sense to be loyal to someone that is stealing from you.
I remember the days when my frineds were using fake insurance slips and no cops checked’em now, the first thing they do is, no matter how legit the slip looks, they’d rather take the time on the side of the road and call the insurance company. shitty i know, you pay a large amount every year so they can cover you nicely in a situation like this but once it pops up, they try to cover their ass and only their ass
same shit
either way, hes fucked
thanks. tips. but I doubt that this bitch is going to get anywhere near million, she’s bullshitting about permanent disabilities when i saw her at a frathouse jam couple weeks ago dancing and shit, i saw her today actually all walking fine and shit. Was I racing no, was i driving stupidly? no, was i drinking? no. Did i intentionally try to fuck her over? No, did i ruin her life for good? no, only 3 months of her life. However, is she trying to fuck me over by going over 1 Mil? yes, is she trying to ruin my life for good? yes. Make sure the bitches you pick up aren’t fucked in their head that’s all i gotta say, and pick insurance companies with good ppl
wait wait wait, this chick is how old? and she was in the car with you?
Man this is bringing so much memories back it is not even funny. First thing is first get a real damn lawyer or you will be fuct. Dont trust the cops at all and make sure you get 2 things that they legally have to provide you.
1.Get the incident report with statements
2.Your liscence they cant do that
If you get a lawyer they can look after both.
I did this and paid 480 for the lawyer to right a counter suit based on the statments from the accidents
I never heard back and everything was dropped
As for your insurance they are trying to get out of the pending lawsuit you have ten days to get a lawyer after that they can legally drop you (its in the fineprint)
IF you need any more advice pm me but get a freakin lawyer dude most will charge 3-500 for a written letter to all parties.
should have got it on video.
I was 18 at the time, she was 17
“As for your insurance they are trying to get out of the pending lawsuit you have ten days to get a lawyer after that they can legally drop you (its in the fineprint)”
yeah eh, is that what they’re doing? just shaking me up a bit to get me all tied up and even though they say “we’ll get you a lawyer” they’ll talk back in 10 days and fuck me over? I do have a lawyer already for careless driving, I’ll see what it says in the statements.
BelAir direct is the cheapest insurance company for a reason.
No dammit! Stop trying to convince people that they’ll get something out of paying more. They’re all THIEVES. They make money by taking money and NOT paying out claims. All insurance companies are evil, there are no exceptions.
WHAT? You know insurance companies hire investigators to watch and record video of stupid people like that bitch. Why won’t you slip a camcorder in a lunch bag and tape her. Atleast then, if your insurance company tells you to fuck off, you can take a video of that girl dancing/running whatever and show it to the judge.
^^^yeah thats true i had a similar issue with the investigators
aint that illegal?
isn’t it like stalking?
^^^if they have suspicion or shit like that they could do that
Dude that sucks, I wish the best of luck to you. Im 20 right now and I couldn’t imagine having to deal with a 1.2mill lawsuit.
It also pisses me off to hear about Belair direct, I have been insured with them for 3 years now and had no idea they were that bad. Although it dosen’t suprise me because there all crooks, nobody can argue that.
-The prick that you were talking to you is not on your side.
-It’s his JOB to find a reason to make sure your not covered.
-Don’t talk to him ever again, get the best lawyer you can and let him deal with everyone for you. The more you pay for a lawyer is the better lawyer your gonna get, don’t settle for that free court appointed lawyer crap because there court appointed lawyers for a reason, there rookie’s and suck or there shit and they suck. The ones that know what there doing are the ones too busy getting paid to bother with that court appointed lawyer crap.
-Don’t trust cops, there also not there to help you and they will fuck you up the ass the 1st chance they get.
Hope that helped, also if there’s anyway to prove that she’s a lieing bitch and isn’t all that bad off you can always try to countersue (for lawyer fees etc). It’s a longshot but it would be the ultimate “fuck you cunt, that’s what you get” lol.