As title says, i don’t even know where to start.
I had a pretty bad accident back in November.
I’ve sent them everything, and when I tried to contact them for an update, all i got was an answering machine of the claim representative.
I got a lawyer, after the ongoing argument between my lawyer and the claims department, the claim representative got ‘fired’(supposedly) and I got a new one. I got a letter from the new one couple days later saying “I did not receive anything if you don’t send me the documents within 2 weeks I’ll invalidate your claim” (not word for word but that’s the meaning of the letter)
my lawyer submitted the photocopy of all the receipts and documents that I ever had cost me due to the accident.

2 months later now, I get a letter from the fire department saying i have not sent the payment and it’ll be going into
collections by July 4th 2008.
“We never received anything game” I’m pretty sure one of the secrateries from the lawyer’s office went in person to hand it in. When i was on the phone with them just now I brought that up and they told me “It could’ve been lost within departments” She ended up telling me to call in the morning as she’s only doing emergency claims at the moment.

Please, I have gone through enough hassles, DO NOT GET BELAIR and spread the word. Man i don’t even know if i’m making sense right now, this is stressful.

im with belair direct and have never had a problem with them and they offered me the cheapest insurance out of all places

Same with me, they offered me the cheapest “INSURANCE”, but let’s think about the meaning of INSURANCE for a second. I know a lot of people here are gonna say “well i’m never gonna crash so w.e” well i was just like you.

belair is great if you never have a claim

otherwise it’s shit. the claims dept sucks bigtime

but that’s why they’re usually the cheapest…

Ive been telling people my opinion on that for a while, with BelAir, you only get what you pay for. It may be cheap insurance, but your only paying for that pink slip of paper. This company has a very poor payout rate… IMO.

Get Desjardins. I dunno how good they are yet, b/c I haven’t crashed, but they’re cheaper than bel air, and seem more legit.

I’ve been with them for a while, I guess I’m very lucky not to be in your situation. Thank you very much for letting us all know about this. Now that other companies offer me legitimate insurance for almost as cheap, I’ll switch.

all I know is that I am paying out the ass with state farm.

bel-air is the direct arm of ING, the biggest insurance company in Canada.

it’s supposed to be low service, but not THAT low service.

just keep going… they cant invalidate the claim.

Desjardain was actually $500/year more for me than BelAir… I think they have a mixed bag of employees… I talked to one douchebag when I was setting my insurance back up, and hung up on him, called back an hour later and got some guy who had his head screwed on tight, and I’m staying with them for another year.

Insurance is a scam anyway, they’ll try to fuck you over any way they can.

desjardain was actually cheaper for me then bel air. this was for two different cars now. when i went to bel air for a bit cause they said my rates would drop down soon (g license) , they later said it would not drop and that whoever told me that was not allowed to tell me a different price and made a mistake. had to cancel out and went back to dejardins for their better service and price.

i have insurance at state farm and they are the best company by far ive ever had. i pay about the same as belair would be but the service is 100 times better and my agent lives down the street so i can drop in when ever i have a prob.

bel-air isn’t that shit of a company. Like bing said its a a joint company with ING Direct.