
Hey I was just wondering if any of you guys could recommend any insurance companies cuz I’ve been quoted some really exorbitant rates. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks,

Bel Air Direct gave me good rates on my S13 when I still had it. Desjardins gave me even better on the Solara.

brokers deal with many companies. try 2 or 3 of them

Belair direct also have the worst customer service in the world. They screwed me over in every way possible until i finally canceled my policy with them…after just one month. So really you get what you pay for.

what did they do that was so bad? if you dont mind telling us

i want to know too

There are 1000 threads on Insruance on this board alone guys… with ALL the info you seem to be looking for. Names, figures, companies… Just search. I think there is a definitive one in the ‘FAQ’ section.

I haven’t dealt with many ins companies, but I’ll second Bel Air’s customer service sucking. They renewed my policy when I told them that I don’t want to renew, then they threatened to cancel me for non-payment for a policy I didn’t renew. They didn’t cancel me for non-payment, but still made me pay a penalty for cancelling my policy even though I didn’t renew it.

I guess you could say that Bel Air is kinda like Bing’s products, it’s cheap and awesome untill something goes wrong…

Allstate FTW… $140 a mth and they dont give a shit how I mod the car because no matter what, book value is only $1200 and if I write if off, im only getting $1200 so they dont care if I got $10gs into it.