What MOVEMENT is belair trying to pull on me now?

allright so, accident happened last november.
The claims representative is ignoring my calls, all of them, very unprofessional.
The other side of claim (a passenger is suing me for 1.2 Million dollars, bullshit because she just had broken foot and rib) representative that ‘tries’ to cover my ass so they can pay the girl the least is coming after me like a cop.

Today he comes over for a statement, and talked so much shit it disgusted me
The very first thing he asks me “let me see your license” I told him the officer has my wallet from the accident and he’s holding on to it until i give him a statement and the next thing this fuckin guy says is "I don’t believe you, I don’t believe what you’re saying, _____ (The girl’s name) is going to be at the court at the trial, so you better be telling the truth and things better ad up)
wtf. As he’s taking my statement down he kept asking me if i was drinking, in a different manner like. “So were you going to a bar?” “Was there any open bottles?” “were you drinking before?” “so the restaurant you were trying to find, they serve alcohol?” “was it a restaurant or a strip joint?” “did the officer ask for a brethalizer test?” i’m not even exaggerating that’s what he asked me. I told him that I think they took my blood so the clean result should prove everything and he goes “hmm… why would they take your blood if you werent drinking?” For fuck sakes i had to go through 8 hours of CT scan, CAT scan, Xrays, and all these fuckin machines, i’m pretty sure blood sample was just one of the tests.

Is there such as thing that gets their ass off the line if the accident was like extremely my fault? like drinking and driving? Why’s he acting like a cop?

What pissed me off the most was his(James something) attitude and lack of presence by Laura Leggett (representative to give ME money!) and how this guy who came over was doubting everything i was saying “well i think you’re lying, if they had my wallet i’d be up their ass about it” i just told him “i’m not driving or anything”

There were bunch more but i don’t want to drive you guys away, I want to hear from you if you had any similar experience. Let me know and thanks

hey bud.
wow he does seem like a real dick, sorry to hear bout the accident and best of luck.

Wait…what happend to cause this?
What was the accident?

ask him to exuent the premises…

i think it would be interesting of someone tried to talk to me like that… very interesting…

unless you actually are wrong or lying… in which case… you’s fucked

I’m not sure what happened to cause this, it’s not like i was caught in a lie, i gave the truth nothing but the truth. The accident was me losing control and sliding sideways into the tree halvning the car and me crushing the center console and pretty much sitting where passenger seat’s supposed to be, and being airlifted to sunnybrook and spending almost 5 months in recovery. I’m pretty good now but who knows i’ll see how my surgery last monday plays out soon. Another thing was that I told him, after arguing for awhile “I’ve talked to at least 3 representatives and they all told me it’s in my best interest not to give statement to cop and get my wallet back because it’s illegal to do that and the cop can get charged with theft” then he was like “well i’ve been in that field and believe me, it’ll only make it look like you’re hiding something, and charging cop with theft? are you crazy?” … yeah so… anyone have similar exp?

yeah i was pretty much just eating all the shit he was throwing because he’s supposed to be on my side? and in a way i need him because for whatever reason they invalidate my policy due to lack of co-operation or whatever, then the whole 1.2M lawsuit is on me, that’s what it said on his letter anyways “You have 10 day to response, failure to do so will cause in invalidating your policy” and now thinking back i’m just confused wtf is belair doing? r they all like this when they’re about to spend money because of clients?

I’d suggest getting a new lawyer, as much as it would be of a hassel to and will cost you quite the penny…its a small price to pay, especially if the 1.2 mill gets thrown onto your lap.

What a terrible situation…all I can advise is to be very careful in every little thing you do, as it sounds like you are.

dude. they cant sue u for more than ur worth. ever heard the saying “u cant get blood from stone”? call a reputable lawyer in ur area and talk to him. if ur an average joe makin 30k - 50k per year, how the fuck are they gunna get 1.2 million outa u? lol. it will work out for u. nobody is dead. u werent drunk. and if it was an honest accident. even if it was ur fault, theres no way ur gettin sued for 1.2 million. not in canada lol. worst case scenario, put everything u own in someone elses name, go on welfare, and work under the table. go to trial, the judge will laugh and toss the case.

p.s NEVER and i mean NEVER EVER talk to cops when u get arrested or involved in an accident unless u are with a lawyer. they will pretend to be on ur side to losen u up and get u to talk, then they twist ur fukn words and leave things out and add things that u never said. next time a cop shows up at ur door. hand him ur lawyers card and say “i have nothing to say, u can contact my lawyer from now on. good-day!” please god trust me on this. i know u probly think it “looks good” to co-operate, but dont. make it hard for them and dont incriminate urself. seeking legal council can never be used against u

I think the problem comes in when Belair is, by policy, responsible for claim upto 1Million dollar. So if anything if she’s eligible for full 1.2 million (which i doubt, there was no permanent disabilities? and she recovered 3 months faster than me) only 200,000 will be on me. I just keep wondering wtf belair’s doing, they’re supposed to be on my side trying to reduce that 1.2 mill into like $100,000 so they pay little, but instead they sound more like a cop just trying to punish me as much as possible, and they’re not responding my side of claim at all? It sucks how the passenger can sue you for the pain and agony and ‘loss of guidance’ when all i can get is 400/week for income replacement and attendent care

so yeah martino, without belair full 1.2 is on me, with, only 200,000 and why even do that? I paid my fkin insurance every month for shit like this right? god what bunch of dicks belair ppl are

Let this be a lesson learned for all those ppl that decide to go with small insurance companies. Belair FTL. All though i’m paying a lil more on my premium, I trust state farm when something goes wrong.

belair isnt a small insurance company

If I were you I’d call and ask to speak to the Fresh Prince himself. I wouldn’t let shit like this slide.

Very shitty, I could feel my blood pressure rocketing reading about that monkey from the insurance company. Keep a digital camera close by and video that dudes antics next time he shows up…Write a kind thoughtful email with that video attached to your ignorant insurance claims representative asking if she would like to comment on there new marketing video before it makes its debut on youtube. Local news usually gets a kick out of stuff like this too.

belair is a joke, there cheap but ther motherfuckingsonsabitches. all the ppl that work for them are dicks and douch bags and it will never change. im with them and i hate them. i know how you feel. even there supervisors are cocks. ask to talk to managment or some1 important. never work your way up always go right to the top.

hmm, maybe i shouldnt go with belair then…

“dude. they cant sue u for more than ur worth. ever heard the saying “u cant get blood from stone”? call a reputable lawyer in ur area and talk to him. if ur an average joe makin 30k - 50k per year, how the fuck are they gunna get 1.2 million outa u?”

ph how your so wrong

if they wanna slap 1.2 mill on him, they most certainly can.

they will do things like rashin his pay, liquidate all of his assets, ect ect until it is paid for, for years and yeard and years - kinda like child support

the judge will take into consideration that he is not worth that much, so the verdict would most likely be lowered.

but if you really want that blood, you can pull it from anywhere.

they dont “ration” your wages, they garnish your wages.

He’s still not wrong.