
Okay… got hit with a HUGE fine last night… (not going to lie… its my fault… im going to suck it up and learn from it…) So… back to the reason why I posted… my 240 was made in 88 but its an 89, meaning its a classic this year… so I have a question… whats the cheapest way to insure it… I know its a classic and MIGHT be a kit car (swapping motor to RB, suspension, etc) so… would it be cheaper to go through classic car insurance or kit car insurance? What is involved in each process… I know for classic I’m limited to drive it to X amount of kilometers and need to get it appraised… but what goes into registering your car as a kit car? I know farmer can help out as he has the R34 registered in Canada… thanks for all the help in advance.

I Dont have my car insured and registered as a classic and its an 89, talk to desjardins, they can help you and to insure, they dont need an appraisal, or anything really. plus its one of the better companies for if yur under 25.

btw the MTO gave me an appraisal sheet but when i registered the car i told them i never had it and they said nevermind to it haha so you can try that :smiley:

Your car wont be considered a kit car. And with classic car insurace theres a limit on the Km per year and where you can take it. I.E. You Cannot take it to school, work, shopping malls, ect…

I think your better off finding the cheapest insurance company to insure your 89’ S13 bro, go through an insurance broker cuz from what I hear, they can find you the best rates according to what your looking for.

Good luck man, I know insurance in Ontario is pathetically overpriced, even if you don’t have full coverage lol.

esjardins is garbage i wrote off my 240 and got almost nothing from them and i was paying last summer 311.20 not covered a month now i pay 278.80fully covered with belaire direct.

oh and i have a 2year old ticket for going 92 in a school so 5 dermerit points and $500

I’m 17 and was getting quoted at $150/mo through my dads name on my 91 s13 with only the basic insurance… but it was a LE… the 89 s13 I have is base model with power options… but after my fine I’m not too sure how much that will be (49 km/h over… 3 demerit points and $500 fine)… I’m pretty sure the 89 will be cheaper than the 91 as its a base model and older.

how old are you? I turned 21 in March, and back in September of 08’ got into a minor accident, full G…I’m paying 306/mnth on my 92’ Tercel, going to cutting that and insuring the 240 soon, I can expect to pay around $320 a month now with Dejardens, but with Belair before that accident, I was paying 290/mnth for the 89’ 240sx SE.

could be but with my 88sentra it was a pos but becuase it had a higher theft rate it cost more on insurance jut do an online quote see what you get both dejardens and belaire direct have online quotes

i`m 19 g2 one huge ticket

you got nothing from desjardins, question is did u think about their perspective on the situation/circumstances? if it happened again, do you think bel air will treat you the same way?

i have 2 friends who are constantly being jerked around by belair, their insurance is on and off because belair cant seem to be sure if they want them as customers or not. that and bel air wont insure anything over 19 years old, guess thats too much trouble for them. so maybe im biased but i wouldnt suggest going for belair. they wont help you anyway.

Yeah I’m 17 and a G2… and this is my first and last big fine… learned my lesson. Im going through shit… whats the name… not state farm… ING. thats it… and my parents have been with them for 30 years, dad totaled 5 cars in the span of 10 years back in the day and they kept him, apparently ING insures high risk drivers.

ive had a friend fuc%^d from both companies and dejardens i told them my car was worth 2gs and i guess they will pay maximum of %75 so belaire shes worth7gs and i pay a hgiher rate for that saftey not to mention i don`t drive like a retard trying to show off any more.and i was 17 second day i had my licence when i got my ticket

hey, for me i pay 211 a month for a stock 1993 S13, just lowered, cold-air intake, stage one clutch so nothing to fancy yet. But considering i live in barrie but i went though an insurance broker, which is Noble Insurance and through them i am with Gore Mutual Insurance. I am a full g class driver and with 2 minor driving convictions (running a stop sign and then 55 in a 40 community safety zone).

From what i know Brokers are always the better way to go cause they get u quotes from multiple company they are associated with.

Btw i am 21

^ looks like I’m going to be phoning some brokers soon time, there’s no way I’m going to put up with high rates…

do the brokers cost any fee to use their service?

Myth: Your rate will go up if you get into an accident.

Not necessarily. If you cause an accident, it will directly affect your rate. However, keep in mind that if you do see a rate increase at any time, it may not have anything to do with your accident; insurance rates are adjusted periodically to keep up with the statistics that apply to your situation, including inflation, the number of claims in your neighbourhood, the accident statistics for people with the same car as you, and many other factors.

pretty interesting lol…so you can still get fucked over.

-courtesy of Desjardins

f this noise boys i`m gettin my self a couger she can pay

yeah, it was cheaper for me to insure my car in sauga than in hamilton and cheaper for me in sauga than in north york (parents live there) the area you live in does make a big difference since thats where your car would appear to be most of the time (im guessing, as if i would know how insurance works -_-)

Goes by population I think, or so i was told by some company I got a quote from, Hamilton has ~500,000 people, so insurance it a bit more expensive I guess?

from what i know i dont experience any more charges from the broker. The broker makes there money from the insurance company for selling u a policy. And most brokers when ur policy comes up for renewal they will check for cheap rates like mine did for this years renewal. Cause last year i with with aviva pilot and i was paying like near my 300 last year, got my g went down was still would of been paying around 255 a month if i would of stayed with them, but they found me cheaper insurance. So bonus.

SO realistically, Kollo, how much did your insurance on your 240 go up by under your fine?