Insurance advice

I know there’s a few intelligent people on here (like Bings) when it comes to these sort of things so I thought I’d ask.

Last summer I had two tickets, one a turning on a red light without a complete stop which I defeated (thanks OTT – highly recommended awesome people all ex-cops) and I had a speeding ticket 137 in a 50 in the farmlands between oakville and milton got trapped by some newly hired fag cop with a smirk smile (they trapped like 10 other people at the same time) long story short instead of going to OTT I went to TTT (retards) and I was myself a retard for going to them. They had an offer of 0 points and 30day suspension… months later, this Monday specifically they went to court and sent me a letter today stating I have to pay 600 bux and that I have 6 demerit points, something like 170 days to pay.

I have G and no other tickets ever, I’m 23 and married (it does make a difference) but male like the rest of ya lol… I’m pretty sure nothing can be done now… what kind of insurance could I look for? My 97 escort winter beater was getting the same insurance as my 91 240… but what now…

Quite pissed at TTT, definitely not recommended, these people are crooks (downtown), OTT on the other hand they are really awesome… highly recommended… I was a fool for not hiring them I don’t know what went through my mind…

If possible any suggestions also to argue this… I am going to assume that it has to be in writing somewhere the 0 points offer…

Any suggestions other than you’re screwed/LOL!!!11oneone etc…

You’ve been convicted, not much you can do. Live and learn. If you even dare to appeal they will probably slap you down even harder.

It sounds like you are lucky to get off with what you got, typically thats a license suspension. I really cant believe you are saying that the cop was a fag when you were going 137 in a 50 zone. That makes you a really big fag.

Anyways, you’ll get insurance except it will be facility. Expect to pay a premium for even the biggest piece of shit car.

Oh and slow the fuck down.

LOL, I was seriously contemplating saying this yesterday, but I figured Ahmed was gonna whine that I always attack him so I passed. Seriously though… that’s some fucked up shit… Who goes 137 in a 50? I’m currently fighting a 130 in a 100. If you get any tickets at all, they should be more like that one and less like yours.

nothing you can do… unless you make your car faster and then just run from the police…

dont beleive TV, people get away quite often.

Yea unless they get your plate before you get away and they show up at your house the next morning…then you goin to jail buoy lol

fuck it call easy way insurance $ 180 a month , 4 speeding tickets , one careless , 2 at faults… im 25, past records , 13 speeding tickets, total of 35 tickets 13 pages on a cops computer…

my buddy dima just went and got a report from the mto on his licence record 332 infractions in 7 years and hes still only paying 275 a month on his civic and he’s 23

easy way insurance??

details please!

I’m still getting over the shock that you are back…but anyway. With the consequences you faced you should have looked for an actuall lawyer/paralegal. Just bight the bullet now, not much more you can do.

I was told I can do an appeal though, because the paralegal asses ripped me off/they said they had an offer of 0 points and 30days suspension… so wtf happened… this was in augus tthough but they booked court date last week… so they misrepersented me in a sense… i dont know what happened/they didnt agree to the offer or what…

Stop being hypocrites about speeding, it was an 80 zone that just became 50, and it was completely flat land with no houses and no body around. Not gona argue with the hypocracy on here. So bullshit when some guys post youtube videos of being idiots/speeding/showing off their car’s latest power upgrade etc… and thats from here this forum so whatever. I have no other tickets ever, most have here a good bunch of tickets. What’s done is done, I stopped for the cop that was hiding in the bushes looking like a fake construction worker that jumps out of bushes. I stopped way before that but he clocked me. Could have ran/didnt/never would. What’s done is done, at least im looking at options of getting rid of the points or better insurance/etc… simple. Help one another out not shit on one another.

who was driving?

you only go to jail if you admit to it.

yes bing, tou-che.

I think I will try to evade the police like you say, however im gunna need an extremely sick vehicle.


Only this sweet CRX


talk to loyd, tell em H sent ya , if they can help they will

Man, I gotta say… that is a really sweet CRX. (no joke, it is)

thanks man

ps - yeah that crx does look sweet lol… those things are beastly with the proper swap and suspension, very ultra light, track proven beasts even against vipers in europe and the states :slight_smile:

Too bad they didn`t nab you for this after the 50 over law came out, you would have been screwed.

Can I ask, what makes you think the cop is a fag for busting you doing 137 in a 50? I agree on the fact that a lot of places need to be 80 instead of 50. However, even if it was 80, thats 137 in an 80, thats still retarded unless you were in butt frigging nowhere.

Frankly the cop should have taken your license from you and ripped it in half, cause thats what I would have done.

Not gona argue with the hypocracy on here.

Really, I can honestly say I have never done 137 in a 50, I have however done 110-120ish in a 80, but 4 hours outside of Toronto in butt frigging nowhere because I was trying to cut down on my long trip home at 11pm at night. So please do explain yourself?


Ahmed is one of those people who think that the whole world is always against them. i.e Every police officer in Oakville.

And I agree, that’s still 137 in an 80 zone even though it wasn’t. It doesn’t make it any better.

^Hey fagball, still being a sarcastic clown as always? Did you achieve anything in life yet with that? You made a funny.

Andrew: OOOH IN BUTT FRIGIN NO WHERE! How about you give me that address of butt frigin no where avenue where its okay to go 80 in a 120 and be son worthy!?

You’re full of bullshit you hypocrite.

I hope you just crash and don’t lose your license because of a bunch of hypocrites that you all are.

The problem with all of you is that you are all full of shit being defensive and oh so ‘holy’ per the draconian law. When you very well know no matter how much you bullshit that you all speed, otherwise get geo metros. You yourself admitted it. ‘in the middle of no where’.

Well guess my middle of no where (eg; flat road, farm fields, no houses, no cars, can see for miles, around in the middle of no where, where only hicks are seen on tractors far far far away from the road) is not son240 worthy.

Half this thread is a bunch of hypocrite clowns bullshitting as always. That’s why i dont post on this know it all expert law obeying grandma website. EVEN THOUGH I would EXPECT SOME 240 community support it being local, but I guess every 240 ontario owner on this site is TOO COOL LOLZZ!!1111oneone

Go back to quiznos mark

BTW; you did plenty donuts/‘doooriifting’ in your car with me in it at canadian tire parking lot out of control with your stock sardine20it engine. OH NOOOSSSSSSSSSS THE LAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! At least I d things in a controlled manner with my car unlike your sardine car. And ooooh nooosss you were showing me how fassst your sardine20it engine is with the broken rim in the rear leaking air on dundas OOOOOOOOH NOSSSSSSS da burrrn outts

Now you’re an angel! YOU ALL ARE ANGELS! Who help one another in need, especially when it comes to cars, specifically 240s, because this is a 240 website OOOOH NOSSSSSS


How is Andrew a hypocrite if he admitted that he has sped before? Where’s your logic Ahmed?

Do you just have shit already made up that you want to say? It seems like you didn’t even read what Andrew said.

I’m not saying I don’t speed. Everyone speeds. Going 1km/h above the speed limit is considered speeding. But going 137km/h in a 50 zone is just stupid.

Speaking of going back to Quizno’s. I still work there part time.

Ahmed, why don’t you go back to court?

Because you all bullshit, when you do the same things. Who are you lying to? Only yourself, otherwise you would be driving a geo metro.

Even grandmas speed 10-20km/hr so 1km/hr is speeding. Touche on that Mark.

What’s my point? That you do far worse shit or the same shit if you wana consider it ‘bad’ and bullshit when someone else does it.

Honestly 130 in our cars is not fast, especially in the middle of no where, if you think 130 is fast, you obviously do not deserve to drive any car other than a geo. Go to the 401 and most people cruise at 140 in vans, civics, ford sedans, the whole lot of cars that are not ‘safe’ at those speeds. I go to work on 401 every day. Vans and pickups piss me off and so do wanabe sport cars (eg; civic/ford/whatever sedans etc…)


Oh what happened to the ‘in butt frigin no where’ logic? It doesn’t work anymore, its cause a_ahmed is an idiot going 130 not 120 like andrew.

What’s my point again? That you bullshit and are hypocrites by all this.

Isn’t it simpler to say okay whats done is done, now lets see what can be done insurance wise/court wise? Instead you jump the band wagon and bullshit as hypocrites? You’re only lying to yourself.

It already went through, I dont want the hassle its on record for 2 years and i was quoted 200/month so ill go for that and bite the bullet, lazy to go through lawyer crap in the end itll come to the same cost… only thing i could have tried is to do an appeal on the basis that the prosecutors gave me an offer of 0 points and 30 day suspension, but the paralegals now got 6 points and ripped me off… but its not in writing it was over the phone so what can i do about that… nothing.

It’s as if on son240 you need to poo alot of diahera back and forth on everyone and then a discussion about the actual original post can happen of what can be practically or theoretically and positvely done.

THE ONLY useful thing on here was hector offering that insurance broker.

How can you compare the highway to where you were? Like I said, do you even read what people say? I said you are an idiot for going 137 in a FIFTY (50) zone. Holy fuck, can you not understand? Maybe you should go back to school and improve your reading skills?

Going 137 on the highway (100km/h zone) is a lot different than going 137 in a 50 zone. And plus, everyone on the highway is moving at a much faster speed so they know what to expect.

And please just shut up about the Geo Metros already. You drive a fucking automatic stock 240, who are you to talk shit about a Metro?

Hey fagball in the middle butt no where is not a highway? I guess that makes it more legit because its ANDREW APPROVED AND MARK APPROVED IN THE MIDDLE OF BUTT NO WHERE!

Who are you to say that then ‘everyone on the highway is moving at a much faster speedo so they KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT’ How do you know that EVERY grandma knows what to expect on the highway? OH WAIT YOU JUST JUSTIFIED YOURSELF FOR SPEEDING ON THE HIGHWAY! OH NOSSSSS.

AND when you go 50 YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT THEN BY YOUR LOGIC because its no longer a highway? OH NOSSS Maybe you need some more driving experience to know what to expect in EVERY driving condition??

Who are you also to say what is or isn’t fast? Who is to say that your car is even fast? It’s not maybe? Who cares perhaps?? Pointless bickering perhaps to just keep on ranting about how i am an idiot/stupid and you are legit for doing your bullshit? OH NOSSSSSSSSSSSS

I dont know how shitty your driving is and how uncomfortable you are at 50km/hr

PS it was an 80 but became 50 zone in the middle of no where oh wait “INSERT MORE BULLSHIT” because a_ahmed is not andrew or mark so he is an idiot for speeding and they are not OH NOSSSSSSSSSS 30km/hr+ speeding OMG

Did you know that one section on trafalgar awaaaay from teh city in one direction ONLY is 50km/hr but the rest is all 80km/hr (in the same location goin the other way) oh noos imagine being trapped in a 50 and its suppose to be an 80 and u go 80. OH NOSSSS 30km/hr+ speeding OMG

Oh what did you also say earlier? All 50 zones should be 80? OH NOOOOOOSSSSSSS 30km/hr+ speeding OMG


Canadian tire parking lot IS NOT D1 championship fagball either. “Insert lame mark remark” go to the track LOLLLZZ

Why dont you go to the track to do that instead of canadian tire parking lots? OH WAIT that was ‘before’ like when you like like lyyyyke you went to the track? Lyyyke Less than a year ago? Oh yeah thats right. You wanted to show off your sardine20det and broken used JDM TYTE rim that was leaking air. So cool! JDM TYTE! MEGA JDM TYTE RACER! LOLLZZZORRZZCOPTER

Thanks for not helping AT ALL EVER WHAT SO EVER EVER in any thread EVER on son240. You’re the most useful fag on all of this site cluttering each thread with junk fagball garbage, go back to quiznos little man and dont forget to practice your D1 DORIFTING JDM TYTE skills at canadian tire before you leave towards eight line to your gangzzzzttaaaaz home AND last but not least, dont forget to downshift, engine break when you are about to turn so heads turn and the honies faint at your turbo surge/blow off valve sardine20it combo

I know you love my long love letters, but i am unavailable and not gay.

Get one of these it’ll make the PSHHHTING even louder on top of your sardine20it and that white blonde honey will be all yours and her girlfriend too if you win every race with the pshhht:

For reference: