
i think it was 258 then up to 311 now i switched companies 278 so only $50 but my mom was paying at the time and it didn`t go up until the insurance renewed 8months later

concentrate on fighting / getting the ticket dropped rather than re registering your car …

from the time u get a ticket to you going to court takes well over a year … so there isnt any rush.

No… if I go to court, the cop tells me hell bump up the fine to the original “70 km/h over” I was doing apparently, when first of all 120 in a 80 isnt 70, and he will not only be there but also the Chopper who has pics of my car… so I’ll get license suspension, car impoundment or crushed, and $2000 fine… so I’m not even going to bother fighting it… just pay it. Along with the fact I received a $110 fine for not having a signed ownership since it wasn’t under my name.

Belair woudnt even touch my cressida. Its an 85 so its 24 yrs old. Desjardens fully welcomed me in and I am paying reasonable insurance. They didnt ask for an appraisal but the MTO did… :S

Yeah thanks for the response Kengi, MTO just likes to screw us over… look what I had to do if I wanted a temp permit for my 240.

You can’t change the suspension and motor and call it a kit car / classic.

typical scare tactic by the pigs … they always say that.

if i were you id still fight it. Talk to a lawyer … Paying the fine would be a stupid especially since ur 17 and insurance will rape you

And if I lose and he does bump it up to the “70 over?”

the cop can`t do that after he has set a fine its called black male



Edited* hahahaha

there isnt a 70 over … 50 over is the max

did he get you on radar?

Talk to a lawyer! - Go in for the free consultation- so u know where u stand

The chopper apparently caught me at 140… So idk

Told u stiky… u heard the same answer again in this thread. Go fight the ticket u wuss.

fight it,

also, with insurance quotes, It’s based on where you live, how many high risk drivers are located near you, how high the rate of car jackings is … yada yada.

Basically, I was quote 200/month full coverage (state farm, family has been with them since ever), I live on the outskirts of sauga, close to oakville. I have another friend that lives in central Mississauga, same car, same dealio with his fam. and state farm. The only difference was that he was quoted 430/month.

hope that helps.

btw, they are both 89’ hatches, with no mods.

its not called black male im just having a day long brain fart it is actually called nightscream no joke

But if I go to fight it what do I say?

Where and when did this happen? I call a bluff on there part.

Because they have no way to prove it unless there were lines on the road. They have no radar equipment on board.

hahah i dont know Air2 schedule but Air1 doesnt even fly Sunday night, did you see the chopper?

Yea… This is why I pay less insurance for a G35 Coupe than you guys do for S13s. And why I’ll need to sell the G soon as more wankers are buying them. Only 40+ year old women had the car when I bought mine :smiley: