what movie makes you guys cry

Friday Night Lights

leonidas was an asshole. he deserved it. should have gave them the fucking dirt and water.

way to be honest :slight_smile:

phew, good thing my last day here is Friday

Reasons for guys to cry: your mother dies. Your dog or other pet dies.

i dont get the pet thing and crying after IT dies

It’s just the way it is, it’s all in the manual.


The Terminator (he was just so fucking sweet)

I very very rarely cry… too many repressed emossions or something lol. I don’t even cry at funerals…I get teary eyed…but thats about it. Its like I am not capeable of just letting go and balling. Fuck, I watched my dog have a siezure and die in may. I teared up…but thats it. I just couldn’t cry. :gotme:

Terminator 2 ending was intense, only father he ever had and he had to kill himself

“I know now why you cry…but it is something I can never do”

I almost shed a tear for the T1000. He was fuckin badass!