what should i do? v.eBay


fuck im in teh goat ass

Truth, the only thing it is really useful for is quick and easy online transactions.

Are you having fun in there?

and if he decided to leave you negative feedback for the deal that he fucked up, leave him horrible lies in your feedback to him

say that he shipped you a dead hooker
say that eh shipped you a box of aids
hell, say he shipped you a dead hooker that gave you aids when u tried to fuck her cold body …

just leave feed back that MAKES HIM go thru ebay to get said feedback revoked, because feedback’s are revoked for both tghe buyer AND the seller at the same time …

go to ebay.com, click site map, then search for the word contact.

There is a form where you can have the sellers phone number emailed to you.

Call him up and see whats up.

LOL at this thread.

i don’t understand why you don’t just get a paypal.

If his feedback checks out, send him some more messages and he will get back to you.

I tend to wait the 14 days eBay states is mandatory beforing filing a grievance. Just wait 2 weeks if he doesnt get back to you then contact eBay about it. I’ve done that numerous times. Don’t just leave bad feedback because he didnt get ahold of you asap (despite his ad saying it will be void within 3 days if you didnt)

I usually give people the time to get ahold of me unless they signed up 2 minutes prior to the auction end and buy my item. Those asshats get the immediate dismissal. Rar!

If you get screwed by PayPal, you must be retarded. It has saved me at least 5 times. They guarantee every item you buy.

:word: Paypal has saved me a couple times, I love how they have the ability to take the funds back from the persons account and put it directly into yours.