What Should It Be??

I think that would be for the better. I know I’m too young to die.

Oh i would please dont tempt me

seriously, there is one sitting within 10ft. of me right now.

diablo, you can have it as long as you write up a will leaving me the gun you killed yourself with.

Hmmm, that butt sex must not be doing diablo any good, cause hes still a fucking moron.

Wanna mail it or deliver it?

i will be more than happy to bring it to you

why isn’t Idiablo banned yet? Coveted Hilton was much much worse than this freak.



I’d put $$$ on carless in a fight.

I think he wears more makeup than she does, which means he is a lady…

Carl, I need to buy you a drink one of these nights. Nick can come too, but not carless since she can beat up guys… that scares me


Carless is cool. Besides, if you dont wear makeup, youre probably fine…

Only this loser…dont worry i wouldnt beat you up.Nick will tell you that.lol

Ha Id like to see that,you wouldnt do it plus you wouldnt want to go to jail for an accessory to suicide(or murder if u decided to shoot me).


Youre poor. You look/dress like a lady. A good set of tires would cost exponentially more than your car.

Your parents probably dont even love you. If you were murdered, there would be nobody to press charges. Your family would probably volunteer to be her alibi as a means of expressing their gratitude…

Is that supposed to make me feel bad?
When someone is raped someone presses charges,when someone dies the state does.Let me guess a dead person can press charges?

Tell me something new…

Have you seen my clothes?

really? you just need to stop. like right now. because you will never win this argument.

and if I don’t?

ok seriously dude, at first i thought you were just trying to make a place here, but you are now seriously getting on my nerves. leave her alone. NOW. i highly advise you to cut the shit and grow up, and stop trying to be a faggy attension whore.

and to carl (vq30de)…you continue to amaze me with your talent in word-use and insults. you are my hero. im taking you out for beers sometime, so gimme a call.

I have seen your clothes, makeup and huguo bose suites… lol like you could afford hugo boss suits. off the top of your dumb ass head, how much does a hugo button down cost? I have a couple so I will know if you are making shit up.

I will pm you Carl and Nick and Amanda we can all go out to dinner and have a fun night asap!

^ sounds good mike. youve got my #