what smartphone to buy??

yea, the nokia stuff is great. I wish they made more for CDMA. I’ve heard rumors they are flirting with VZW again.

Pretty cool you can download the maps to the phone for GPS if you are in the middle of no where. That is one thing that I hated on my phone last week in Indiana. Spotty cell phone service could not find me and load the map even tho the GPS knew where it was.

The phone tho seems pretty impressive other than its non 3G. Just clunky lookin. Liked my samsung double flip phone but never a big fan of the smart phone slider.

i guess ive never really thought about switching and never really thought any other service was decent.
i looked at the nokia phones you were talking about, i dunno they seem huge as hell. and im a skinny jeans fggt so i dunno how that would work lol

blackberrys are pretty cool… im just not sure which one im into

the curve looks almost the same as my q… whats so special about the curve… i like it, but jw

people can pretend to be important executives saying they have a blackberry:mamoru:

I have a blackberry enterprise server at work and i am taking full advantage of it as soon as im elgible for a new phone.:slight_smile:

just because you have a BB, doesnt mean you can jump on a BES.

you need a CAL as well.

all covered buddy. I manage this thing every day. Im glad i can finally activate my own instead of the 50 people here that dont even deserve them.

good deal :tup:

I guess im getting the Samsung i770 whenever it hits the market…

The N95-3 and -4 are 3G, actually 3.5G. I wirelessly tether my laptop via BT or WiFi to my N95 over 3.5G speeds!

The clunkyness can be overcome by getting an E71-2. Very thin, non-slider PDA style phone and just as capable. It’s quite a bit smaller in the pocket than my iPhone was.



Completely missed that part on the wikipedia article.

Are you refering to UTMS as 3.5G?

“HSDPA release 5” is referred to as 3.5G. You can see the little 3.5G icon in the upper left:

Here’s a shot of my task manager while browsing the web, navigating with Garmin, listening to music, browsing the gallery etc. Couldn’t do that with my crap iPhone! Still have 65MB of RAM left to open up a few more programs: