What spark plugs to run [nitrous setup]? how do change timing?

Hey violator you might be able to help me…
i will be installing the 100 shot of nitrous this week and i dont know what i spark plug to be running. i have been told to change the timing also. how would i do that?
for the spark plugs they told me to go 1 step colder and copper instead of platinum or iridium…is this correct?
and i need to get the timing retarded 2 degree [and for every 50 shots after that its 1 more degree]

fill me in guys i need this nitrous to work flawless or else my engine does “BOOM!”

oh man… this should be GOOD

“im installing a hundred shot; but first, how do I change my timing???”

lol. oh man. spray a one fitty dogg. dont be a puss. :tup:

turn the dizzy til she pings

i beleive you need a timing adjustment kit, such as this:


you may be able to shop around for a less expensive setup, but that price doesnt seam to bad considering the work it takes for them to make it (and others are closer to the $200 price range)

for plugs…when i had spray i ran …i want to say autolite 24’s?..maybe 23. shit i forgot the #. but they were autolite. Just go 1 or 2 steps colder than stock

do a search on coral, or maybe pm big hands, I hear he knows a thing or two about mustangs

For a 100 shot you could stick with stock plugs as long as they aren’t platnium. For a safety factor you can use 1 heat range colder than stock. As far as the timing issue many newer EFI cars will accept a 100 shot with no timing adjustment and will not ping if good fuel is used, at least 93 octane. Like you said the general rule is 2 degree per 50 hp. I have setup a stock 4.6 SOHC in the past with a 100 shot running on 1 heat range colder plugs and stock ignition timing. You just new to verify everything is working correctly and you are getting no detonation

Haha oh c’mon now, you’re going to feel bad if he actually does it!

This thread reminds me of something I read on here. I think somebody said JoesTypeS said it first…

If you can’t afford to push your car off a cliff then you can’t afford to mod it.

I hope you’re not juicing your DD if you can’t afford the potential consequences if something goes wrong…

i dont think thats possible on a newer mustang :stuck_out_tongue:

nope, this is his project car, pretty sure he has a DD

Well then in that case :tspry: = :tup:

hey am not trying to hijack your forum but am going to be spraying the car soon am just wondering is it possible to spray the car lets say dry 50 shot or something without changing timming??

and silver gt not sure if you need it for a stang or not but i came across this incase some one needs it

yes i have a dd this is my cruiser/project lol.
and my car can take a 100 shot easily its a
2000 ford mustang gt
i just need to figure out how to do this setup myself i wanna learn how to set it up so i can teach someone else if they need help.