What suprises have you gotten with your car?

Rust, actually a hole in the floor and a pool of cleected water under rear pass carpet.
One or two that was listed as installed but not actually.

An original Nissan accessories booklet, bought the car from original owner so that was pretty cool… has a sweet pic of a hatch and a few of the oem accessories available for some nissan cars of that era.

lots of holes everywhere yep wheel wells, on the running boards, in the floor pan, the door the rear rebar was shot totaly. needed a oil pan, and a transmission. to hell with the owner who had it before me and i think everybody knows this loser… but im having trouble with the floorpan and the last peice of weld … 92 coupe

are you refering to the black 92 coupe?

Matches from some strip club in Windsor