What the #&^%, Look what I found in my house!!!!

if it were truely my situation and i wanted to DIY it… I’d probably buy some dry ice and pack it in dry ice for a few hours…to make sure all the bees are at subzero (-109°F) temperatures. Being mud…you’ll have to chip away it it to remove it all. Once you open it up though…you’ve gotta go balls out, there’s no going back.

having them as cold as possible will buy you the most time since its likely you wont be able to reach them all with the hole/spray technique.

HAHAHAH that would be a pretty rude time seeing them starting to wake up and get pissed while you are running out of the house with the nest lol

x2 for the shotgun. Paintball gun would be too messy. LOL
Too bad its wasps and not bees. Bees you’d at least get some honey out of the deal.

I don’t know if you have bees but you definately have ghosts. Nice orbs in those pictures.:uhh:

call a pro and tell him you need him to brng in the Marines…


then when the wasps come out…punch them in the FACE!

srsly though…i’d call a pro. If it were a bit smaller, i would try and take care of it myself, but something that size…i just wouldn’t trust myself doing anything.

I want to see how this turns out, hopefully a heroic story ensues.

Be a man and duct tape some boots and gloves and a mask and take care of it yourself.
Oh yeah, don’t forget the video camera.

+1, wasps don’t fuck around…

how warm is it where the next is? tap the nest and see if you hear any noise coming from it, if no noise, beat it with a bat then pull it out. if any come out, have bug killer in hand ready to spray. lol please post pictures of what ever is being done. make sure the pictures are taken when this is going on so you get the best pictures as possible

The video will be rolling and pics will be taken.
My brother in law said put a shell of great stuff foam spray all over it…then leave it…they will be trapped


whatever you decide to do, make sure you are recording it!

have a shopvac?

6.5HP 16GAL

The background of your sig looks like a swarm!

I bet you could poke a hole in it, stick a shop vac in there and suck a bunch out. They’re pretty much out of it this time of year. If they did wake up and come out I don’t think they would be aggressive.

Flash freeze it somehow with liquid nitrogen or seal it quickly with something.

Remove it when its sealed and then blow it up in your yard.

Its really fucking cold…I doubt they will be able to do much.

You have to do this yourself.

Be a man! Poke some entrances and spray in the killer. Then remove!

have a grenade?