What the #&^%, Look what I found in my house!!!!

Whatever you do make sure someone records it so we can watch on youtube

  1. hire jeg!
  2. help the economy + jeg
    2.5 get video camera
  3. everybody profits!

Somebody call youtube!

poke a hole
smoke gun the shit out of that thing

If you want to take a chemical approach I may be able to help.

I like it! Then take a squirt gun and spray the dry ice and explode them all.

If it’s been open to your house for any length of time and it’s warmed up you’d hear some activity by now. It’s probably an empty nest.

Its been in the outside temps since, well since it was created so its been cold for months now. Though i dont have a shotgun(and it would do more damage then good) i might just paintball some holes in the top and dump some or spray some stuff in there. Ill have my shopvac ready incase of activity and maybe a few electric fly swatters/bee killers

i hope its better then this

If it was me, I’d cut a hole in the side to see if it was active. If it was dormant, I’d carefully take it out and cut it in half and make a table out of the cross section…

That’s gotta look pretty bad ass inside

epic news story in the making …

It’s Empty:

Common wasps do not have a mating flight like ants do. Mating takes place between young queens and drones in the vicinity of the nest. At the end of autumn the nest dies and the only wasps left alive are the young mated queens. They fly away and find a safe place to hibernate for the winter. It is not uncommon to discover a hibernating queen in the folds of curtains in houses.

OR, if it is a Mud Dauber nest, there are larva filling it that can’t do any damage to you as they are still in their sacks… growing into adults…

cut 2.5 inch hole in nest
stick PVC pipe in
Route PVC pipe back to wall you took off
cut 2.5" hole in that wall
connect PVC pipe
sell house before spring

Knock a small hole in it.

Insert massive amount of fire crackers.

Light fuse.


i like this one

can i come to your house and beat it with a bat? where do you live

edit: and you can video tape it!


So if you put a bee on a treadmill. Can it fly?

Freeze it and throw that shit in a trashbag with a big shovel. Did that once to a huge wasp hive that was outside.

Whatever the fuck you do, dont be a selfish ass and NOT setup a camera! This thing has MONEY written all over it!

Fire extinguisher.
