What to affix badges with?

I don’t think completely debadged is the best but fully badged doesn’t always look good either. You need to find a happy medium.

the happy medium is badgeless. if you wanted to take it a step further you’d remove the trunk lid.


you have 8 posts. You’re depth of vision here is pretty small there buddy.


I’m sorry I’ll refrain from commentary from now on, buddy :roll2:

I’d go with the grey 3M tape. It’s expensive but the best choice IMO.

Yeah, i’ll buy a roll, then if anyone else ever needs any, i’ll have some!

Wonder if this stuff would work. its 3M, and only 4 bucks:


Nope, it’s not for exterior use.

I have some of that grey w/ red tape 3m stuff… DAM that stuff sticks like crazy, its likt $6 a roll at value

3M Emblem Adhesive at Autozone


Jesus christ 2 fucking pages for badge adhering???

The answer was double stick tape. That’s what the factory badges are applied with.

Funny it’s still going, because I’m pretty sure he has this totally done now.