What to do about an item bought off ebay?

I need a mount to finish my swap. Found a mount on ebay, ask what the buy it now price was/is. He said $30 and he would end the auction. I paid, and was given a tracking # but it has not been shipped yet. Have i just been screwed? How long should i wait? It is coming from PA.

Dear racer_x_x_x,

Delivery Confirmation / Insurance Number:
420 14225 9107 1288 8230 0979 5969 41
- h00d19s

How long has it been? Usually by the time usps gets the confirmation # in their system its already been delivered.

How long has it been?


how was his track record?

The post office does not update as quickly (or at all) like UPS or FedEx. It probably has shipped you fucking elitest bastard… :wink: Give it a few days.

if it’s USPS… then they won’t update their website until you already have the item in your hand!!! Their tracking system SUCKS!!!

yep USPS sucks for tracking but its cheaper

i bought it on the 12th and have not heard from the person since. they have no feed back yet.

as said before USPS tracking sucks.

secondly, you have 2 weekends in there. I think you are alright.

this is going to make me mad… it is one of the last parts i need.


i bought it on the 12th and have not heard from the person since. they have no feed back yet.


You gave money to someone with no feedback, and didn’t go through ebay. Just about the worst thing you can do.

Did he end the auction?


You gave money to someone with no feedback, and didn’t go through ebay. Just about the worst thing you can do.

Did he end the auction?


Yes, they ended the auction. i will just wait. but if any one has a block mount for a 94-2000 integra i could use it.

USPS tracking sucks X eleventybillion. Did it ship Priority Mail or Parcel Post? Parcel post means the postal service intentionally leaves it on the shelf for as long as they feel like it. eBay probably won’t help you, but paypal might. I would wait a few more days keep in touch w/ the seller.

if you dont get it soon… you could always get the auction ID# and file a dispute through paypal