what would be your one weapon? v.zombies

who can forget good ole bangalors?

after watching Dawn of the DEAD again… the propane flare combo worked pretty well

Yep the best course of action

we’d actually take those weapons from you. then we’d feed you to them. physical similarities would confuse them, then when they started eating you, they’d be busy for literally weeks. then me and my crew would have enough time to join forces with zwarbyt and his yacht.

and don’t worry zwarbyt, we’d rob all the liquor stores between here and the marina.

Dude, zombies don’t like fatties. I’d give them high cholesterol!

yea, but they are dumb. and they wouldn’t think about cholesterol levels. and the dumb fat girls are the first to go. the more i think about it, the more i realize you have zombie food written all over you. <3

Yeah, I’d have to go with a tank, with a generator, I’d go around to all the gas stations and just run shit over.

I’ll back you up with the Tavor TAR-21. That way we got the long range and short range covered :tup:

Dayum. :lol:


I just realized I don’t need weapons, I can just blend in with my natural pasty hotness.

I’d whip a twinkie out into an open field, watch them all go after you and walk to where i need too… you’ve got enough to feed them all…

See it’s not funny when you say it. Because I don’t know you. Jumpin’ on the bandwagon is cool though, right?

thats what i was going for hun

firehawk853’s finger. all i have to do is pull it, and all those sons of bitches would surely drop dead

Either way, if I got eaten by zombies, I’d come back as a skinny zombie, right? Then I’d eat all you fuckers.

You bitch. :frowning:

Weapon Of choice:

Michael Jackson, because he would make them dance like in “Thriller” and I would have nothing to worry about.

Dunno why but this popped into my head.


oh man that ruled.