what would be your one weapon? v.zombies




you dont no shit about the subject so dont talk. read a few books and brush up on your history. it has to do with the drug TXX and voodo practices. many books have been written on it, im not going to do ur hw for you.


wait so now your trying to play Mr. “I know more about something thats not real than you do?”

Maybe thats because I live in something called “reality”

To understand what hes talking about V. Voodoo, go rent the movie “The Serpent and the Rainbow” by Wes Craven. Very fucked up movie

Also, theres a reason why Max Brooks works are considered fiction

Wait! Star Trek is on TV tonight! Theres multiple books about it! That means faster than light travel is possible! That means theres a shitload of people flying around having adventures in fucking outer space as we speak!



Am I assuming this is a class 4 outbreak? If so…Everyone that says chainsaw will be infected within 3-5 kills. Infected blood and guts would get all over you. Plus it runs on gas, which is a no no. It also can’t be used in close quarters, and if it doesn’t start… you are fucked. Katana sword is your best bet, seeing as how you have to decapitate them or cause serious brain damage. .22 caliber ling distance sem-auto rifles are your best bet…due to the low level of sound when discharged, avaliability of ammuntion and it’s relatively lightweight.


word. keep in mind that even with a class 3 outbreak, all industry is being shut down. so all of you that want guns that fire off 11ty billion rounds a minute are fucked after a few minutes. so far, my zombie hunting crew consists of me and 02celicaGT and RX3 with his BFG.

EDIT: and ILCisdead because he’s too hardcore to die from zombies. and the ritz with unshoveled stairs for a safehaven.


wait so now your trying to play Mr. “I know more about something thats not real than you do?”

Maybe thats because I live in something called “reality”

To understand what hes talking about V. Voodoo, go rent the movie “The Serpent and the Rainbow” by Wes Craven. Very fucked up movie

Also, theres a reason why Max Brooks works are considered fiction

Wait! Star Trek is on TV tonight! Theres multiple books about it! That means faster than light travel is possible! That means theres a shitload of people flying around having adventures in fucking outer space as we speak!



you’re going to be the first to go with that kind of attitude. keep it up and you won’t make dex’s team of zombie killers.


EDIT: and ILCisdead because he’s too hardcore to die from zombies. and the ritz with unshoveled stairs for a safehaven.


Nope just to fucking bad ass, So i’m gonna bite those mother fuckers

M79 with bandoliers crossing my chest with 60 40 milimeter High explosive grenades.


i would use cuban crisis because he is superman and would save me. and hack any other necessary info.



i would use a butter knife, or fork. Man up

Chainsaw, Defienitly the sweetest.

fuck yes bitches 50 cal snipaaaaaaa…1,500 rounds of ammo. because when you’re :snky: you don’t miss.

Mr. Hands

Optimus Prime or the Technodrome

I love the people arguing in this thread. Jesus, it was a pretty straightfoward question.

That said, aluminum baseball bat. Can’t break, needs no ammo/fuel, doesn’t matter if it’s sharp and it doesn’t make loud booms to draw attention.

Barret 50cal sniper rifle… holla!


Mr. Hands


hmm… hes dead. so, he’d be the zombie with the horse semen falling out of his ass.

…dont see how thats going to help much. :lolsign:

Just chain them up and play video games with them. They won’t hurt you. I promise.

My weapon would be… something like an ice pick or an axe. Maybe a machete. I’d just cut the fuckers heads off.


Just chain them up and play video games with them. They won’t hurt you. I promise.


Been watching Shawn of the Dead lately?

better question is what would you do and where would you go to stay alive?

You would need food, water and a place they could not get into. I would take some kind of a sword and a gun. You would want a gun that you could find ammo at any store that you could go thru like a walmart, target etc etc.

an energy sword and sticky grenades



Been watching Shawn of the Dead lately?


Yeah. Saw it for the first time last night. Good fucking movie. Funny that this thread is in existance right now.

AndyB. I was thinking Martins until you said Target. I’d go to Target over Walmart. Or like, the mall. Play video games, hang out in some place that sells beds or soemthing. Sleep on a nice fucking comfy bed and hide under it if they get in. Hahaha.

Oh wait, there was already a mall/zombie movie, wasn’t there? DAMNIT.

Well tossing reality out of the window I’d want:

Dual trusty .357s
A bandolier full of exploding rounds
A giant orange foam cowboy hat

Tossing reality back into the picture, gravity would crush and/or tip me over. But I’d still want a .357 just because of it’s “badassedness”, and not practicality. After what good is killing zombies if you look some dufus shooting at them with a plastic gun.