What would you do... re: auto service

Only update I have is that I called around 4:15 and was told Russ was on another call. The woman who answered the phone was pleasant (as was I) said she’d look into it and get back to me.

Good to hear. You likely spoke with Lynn (Russ’s sister). I’m sure he’ll make it right, and do so quickly.

Angry much?

Regardless of how minor the problem is, its still something that should be brought up. Sure this little thing happened now, but what happens when a bigger mistake happens to your vehicle and they dont care to report it to the owner/manager to correct the problem. Then you find out.

You go in to a shop expecting to pay an ex amount of money. You get the car back only to find you need to spend more money even if just $25 to get something fixed that wasnt damaged prior to you going there. Its money, and to some that $25 is not in the budget. These mistakes should be known and correct to make customers happy. Perhaps you dont know how a business should work. If I owned a shop, Id love to know anything that is not done right so that I can correc that issue. (talk to an employee that did this and tell him not to be afraid to inform me about mistakes… they do happen)

Somebody must have pissed in his corn flakes. Two mornings in a row.

i already know how this is going to pan out.

BTW… while it’s minor because I got a replacement on ebay for $24 (the only one available when I searched), that center cap is well over $100 piece at the dealer, $108 if you buy it from gmpartshouse.com. Yeah, it’s a ripoff, but it’s a part that wasn’t broken when I brought it in with not a lot of options for replacement since the GTO wasn’t a high production vehicle.


yeah but…“big fucking deal brah” lol

Still in for results. And + for contacting them.

You knobs. This isn’t about a 24 dollar hub cap. It’s about whether or not Jay has to cross a shop off of his list of places he can trust to work on his cars.

If they break something, don’t fix it correctly (gluing a broken piece is not correct), and don’t tell him about it, then he probably shouldn’t go back. If he gives management a chance to make it right and they don’t respond, then he definitely can’t go back.

Seems to me that he got lucky finding one for $24. It was a $100 mistake. The technician fucked it up, so why should the customer pay for it?

As usual, Fry gets it. All I’m hoping for is a call back saying, “This isn’t how we do business, we’ve talked to the guy who balanced your tires and can guarantee if you bring your car back for further service crap like this won’t happen”. If they offer to pay for the cap I’ll decline, if they insist they can mail me a check. The $24 cost to me isn’t this issue, it’s that a shop that everyone here says is awesome broke something on my car, half ass fixed it to hide it from me, and sent me on my way.


The fact that that needed explaination bottles the mind. Sounds like the shop owner is reasonable and rational, I’m sure you’ll be righted.

The only thing that bothers me about that is you just don’t know how serious the person is.

Apologies are cheesy as fuck and people are too often fake. If you want to turn down the replacement cost, that’s fine, and I commend you for that. However, I would expect some offer from the shop owner. Making a monetary offer (or offering a discount on the next visit) proves that he really does value you as a customer. Either that, or he could tell you that he fired the prick. Then you’ll know he’s serious lol.

Only update I have is no update. No calls from Licatas and it’s obviously well past business hours. I have my cell as a contact which is with me 24/7/365.

Seeing as they’re a vendor on here, hopefully they do the right thing and get back to you soon.

I’d try calling again and earlier in the morning. They’re real hectic towards the end of the day.

i know for a fact they are hectic right now. they are in the middle of adding an addition. especially russ

Nah, there’s no point calling again because them not calling back after getting my info and explaining I wasn’t happy with my service says enough about how the place is being run to me. There are plenty of other alignment shops in WNY. If anything further comes of it I promise to update this thread (positive or negative), but I’m not expecting any further contact at this point.

I agree, you shouldn’t have to hound them to get ahold of the owner to tell him what happened.


It’s up to them to prove that they value their customers.