If you’re not doing something stupid then you shouldnt have a problem.
…Only time Ive been pulled over in amherst was ~5 years ago for 72 in a 55, and that was a trooper.
APD IS a money maker. As a nice byproduct of that, they manage to ‘catch’ alot of stolen vehicles, illegal goods, and warrants. I don’t mind that at all.
In the last three years I have owned and operated six vehicles that were illegal in one way or another (no reg, no NYSI, inadequate exh, tint, NX bottle in plain view, etc). Most of these were ‘project’ cars in various stages. Both I & a roommate, would test drive them down NFB & sheridan at all times of the night. Never been pulled over or even given a second look.
Once you grow up and realize that the police are doing their job, it’ll be easier for you. IBTotalitarianStatesSuxor