whats going on in amherst lately?


:lol: at the tint ticket. When I saw your post about you getting tint I thought to myself, “What a dumbass. He’s just going to get a ticket within the first week”. You didn’t even make it that long.

Face it, if you drive in Amherst, Tonawanda or Kenmore tint is just going to get you way more attention than it’s worth to look cool.

I have noticed APD has been out in force lately. They were even running radar on Sullivan Parkway yesterday, that little 4 lane road that cuts between Millersport and Audubon. Really shitty place to put a trap since it’s only a 35 there but feels like it should be a 45.


u called it. i drive through amherst kenmore and tonawanda almost all the time never been given a tint ticket i have 35 percent