Whats the fastest / cheapest way to send money?

I need to send some money to my uncle down south. Probably looking to send like 4k.
I know BOA is free from account to account but I’m not sure if thats what he has.
I don’t even know if he has pay pal or what the max to send is there.

Any Ideas?

wal-mart money gram, its not cheap but its fast and effective

Mail a check?

large amounts of cash via fedex…

find out what bank he uses, I have friends just walk in a deposit cash into my account for things all the time out of state.

Paypal is going to charge you an arm and a dick to send that money. I think expressing a check would be the fastest :shrug:


Where can I find some friends like that??

lol, arm and a dick. i lol’d

And a dick!? they arent fucking around.

Good call on see what bank he uses hopefully its not some small town hick bank down there.