I got accused of some things by NetZero, Juno, and AOL back in the day for some things but were never proven.
arrested in cheektowaga (first mistake)
2,300 in restitution
60 days in jail
15,000 bail 50,000 bails bond
250 community service hours
3yrs probation
Yes you are as Buffalo does not have the option of going to driving school and then getting it reduced to parking tickets. Ask me I know. So your options are…
A). Go to trial and waste your time and effort and have it come back to the same result as if you just…
B). Plead guilty, pay the fine, and get 8 points.
I got 87 on the Skyway back in 2001, fun fun.
Criminal sale of a controlled substance - B Felony
Criminal Possession of a controlled substance - B Felony
Got set up with a friend by the Niag. County drug task force.
Because I had prior convictions, sentence could have been up to 60 years per charge, not to mention I was on probation, that if convicted of violating, would have added an extra 20 years or so on top.
The CI that set me up killed himself ~1 month before my trial started, case was then dismissed, charges were withdrawn.
If you don’t think I feel lucky/blessed/amazed to be here and free, you’re a nut.
Worst thing so far was 96 in a 55 on the Robert Moses. Ended up going to school and had it reduced to a parking ticket. Also got pulled over on GI for not having side mirrors, no bumpers, non functioning taillights, and a loud exhaust. Cop was nice about it and told me to get it all fixed or take the car off the road.
Yeah, they started coming down hard on ecstacy possesion. I remember when someone got caught with 10 miesely pills and they made him out to be kingpin and charged him with intent to distribute???
a few speeding tickets, but nothing major. got lucky as hell with this one though:
insurance covered it all as flood loss (including tow bill and loan, infact i got money back after the blazer was paid off)
insurance rates didnt go up (nothing noticable really). no fines, no tickets.
I was arrested for distribution of alcohol to minors. I was in a fraternity at UB, we had a party busted with 200+ kids, and i lived in the house. Spent the night in jail and ended up getting off with an ACD.
HAHAHAHAHA you were the fucking retard that did this? I remember the huge thread and all the laughing that ensued over on Roclife over this. Nice job :tup:
I was detained once for Drifting my supra around some on/off ramps. There was an unmarked charger watching me the whole time. He was pretty pissed. Car got impounded and I was booked. Reckless driving, Failure to maintain lane (although I was in my lane the whole time, one lane ramp), Imprudent speed, and unsafe lane change. All in the one stop. Ended up with 2 parking tickets $300 fine.
speeding ticket, 60-40
95 in a 55 on route 20 which is still pending:ohnoes:
no1 has murdered/raped any1?
boring so far.
not yet :meh:
Let me know how that works out for you, as I have a court date in December for an 81/50 on the 33. Problem is I already have 8 points on my license, and I’d like to be able to drive to work still.
And as far as sheer number of various moving violation tickets, I probably have most people beat.
you can always get a restricted license
Should start another thread with a pole. I might have you beat or close.
bringing illegal asians over from Canada to the US. They were going to take my car but after 6 hours, they let me go.
That’s why I don’t drive Zong anywhere…
freshman year in college, a couple guys wanted to see Canada… so being the nice guy, I drove over and they said they were from the US on the way over.
On the way back after drinking too much:
US Customs: “Citizenship?”
Me: “US”
Guy in my car: “Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm”