whats wrong with my engine??

ok so i finally got my car on the road and finally got to drive it…

i was at a buddies place and we were looking at the car and he noticed a slight knock…but its been there ever since i got the car so i didnt think anything of it…it idles awsome…

but anyways he took off the oil cap while it was running and there was alot of air being pushed out the vavle cover and he said something about a valve could possibly be gone or something…the engine seems to run pretty good other than it seems extremely slow…theres absolutly no acceleration and it feels like im driving a 3 cyl geo lol…and 2 times i was sitting at a stop light and when it turned green and i started going it was stutteing and bogging like crazy and then it just all of a sudden went away…

so what exactly does this mean?? (is it a bad valve or is it something else)
do i have to get a new motor?
is worth it fixing it or would it be cheaper to buy another motor??
how long will it last?

let me know what you think…

thanks guys…

Im no expert, but from the sounds of the symptoms you said, it sounds like a compression loss, maybe your valve is not seating properly, if its not a daily driver, why dont you pull the engine apart your self and work on it.

Do a leak down and a compression test on the motor. You can rent the tools from parts source for free and then post the results here. A comp test will help to see if it’s bad rings, or a bad valve by seeing what the compression of each cylinder is (all should be within 10% of eachother). A leak down will target if the combustion chamber can hold the compressed air without dropping off. A new KA goes for next to nothing. So do these tests and go from there.

You said that it “all of a sudden went away?” If your problems all of a sudden went away and then came back, it’s definitley not your engine. Engine’s don’t work sometimes and be broken other times.

im saying that the stuttering stopped and hasnt came back since…

I agree with ronnie, but last time i had a lot of air being pushed threw my oil cap I had a blown piston ring.