what's your caffeine intake?

most days I only drink water, can’t get enough of it…

But when I’m plowin snow and spreadin salt for 3 days I usually use a can of an energy drink to try to help…by the end of long runs I can’t even remember which lots I hit and mistake mailboxes for people/deer all the time on the way home…

Edit: I consume Iced tea when I go out to eat alot of the time

Wake up 6:45am - Can of Diet Dew

Ride to work 7:30am - Another can of Diet dew

Arrival at work 7:50ish + Sitting through boring staffing meeting, and volume planning meeting every morning - 24oz Monster energy

Around 11am- another can of monster (16oz this time) from work cafe, yes they sell monster which is awesome.

1pm - 20oz bottle of diet dew

3:30pm- 20oz bottle of diet dew while I validate timecards, update staffings, update volumes, and do other end of day shit.

5-6pm - Glass of diet dew with dinner.

From there I try to switch to milk or water, other wise I cant sleep. I really need to lower my caffeine intake.

Don’t really drink any caffeine. I have some green tea every now and then, but it is mostly water and 100% juice for me. Might have a Dew every now and then at work if I am tired. I used to drink pop 24/7 when I was growing up, but once I stopped drinking that stuff it was much easier to stay healthy.

I go in spirts, I try to drink only water at work. Usually drink iced tea at home. Sometimes ill buy a gallon at the store and drink it in a day at work. Pop here and there, usually fucks my stomach up if i drink it with no food.

Bring on the stones.

2 cups of coffee in the morning. 2 diet pops after noon.

Usually a Monster before going out Friday/Saturday nights.

Was at 4 cups of coffee and a mt. dew w/ lunch type of person until about 3 months ago. I quit smoking and caffeine at the same time. It was hellish for the first 2 weeks. I replaced the cravings with Milk, juice, protein shakes, and workouts. Gained 11 lbs (a good thing) in about 8 weeks now. Shooting for another 15.

I have not had caffeine for the past 5 years or so. I get sick when I get too much caffeine.

i have been drinking 4-5 cans of mt. dew a day…but lately i’ve been trying to replace the Mt.Dew with Grape Propel

Usually 1 can of pop a day. Sometimes up to 2. Plus however much caffeine are in my fat burning pills.

Other than that, water and milk only.

1 Can of Pop with lunch then water all day at work.

Iced tea when I am out and not drinking beer, Turners iced tea or water at home

A 2-cup serving of coffee in the morning, on the way into work…and that is it. For some reason it’s never expanded, which is good. Some of you are due for kidney stones, regular intake like that is awful.

Used to drink energy drinks like it was my job until I consumed 9 rebulls mixed with grey goose (in less than 2hrs) one night and woke up with what I thought was a terrrbile hangover…turned out to be a 20% collapsed lung :slight_smile:

…spent 3 days in the ICU, then I was back to drinking atleast 2 caffeinated beverages a day. I cant go a day without any caffeine.

9 red bulls is insane


beer is good food, it’s like cornflakes in a can. Diet Turners Tea FTW

None… Water and Beer.

Usually one cup of coffee a day, sometimes two. Usually drink iced tea or crystal light type of drink mixes at home. Don’t drink pop very often, maybe once or twice a week when eating out. Caffeine does nada for me energy wise. I try not to drink too much because I’m on a diuretic.

nothing but water really, or gatorade/powerade during hockey season. i might have pop once a month if that. the only caffeine i really get is from preworkout supplements.

2 16 oz rebulls a day

I am kind of a Monster Energy junkie. I drink like 2 of the Blue Low carb XXL cans a day (buy em by the case) and a few cups of coffee on top of it. I only have the chance for 4-5 hrs of sleep a day so I need caffiene