Sometimes you have to(Read: Communities). Whenever I get adrenaline deprivation, I pop into my mom’s V-TEkkkkkk haven (jkjk), and go down a back road near my house; wait till there’s no cars (looking for cops when I go down the first time), pull a u-turn, and vroom-vroom, off we go. This generally follows a session after washing the car, when the sun is setting. Windows down, heat in all the appropriate places, cruising is probably one of the most relaxing things for me.
Regardless of what I do, whenever I return back to my subdivision, and into community neighborhoods, I just pop into cruise control @50 , and relax… no point in bringing your aggression and hot-head to your household. Coming back from Cuba this summer, I really miss the whole “Just relax, and put up your feet” attitude that ‘notasdeveloped’ countries have. We’re blessed with always being in a god-forsaken rush, I know that I for one, try to drive as relaxed as I can. When I see someone in the rear-view mirror, I’ll gladly move over for them. But sometimes, I can’t see you, (Pre-occupied with someone else in car ), so I can oftentimes care less about you and your speeding ways. As long as I’m moving quicker than the people around me, I’m golden. If you want to be a speed demon, evenmoreso than I am, do so in a manner that doesn’t endanger the rest of us.:R
To me, it’s not a matter of following the speed limit, but rather following the flow of traffic. If everyone’s moving about 10-15km/h over the limit, it’s probably safer to follow that rather than having people behind you braking abruptly. Likewise, if it’s a multi-lane road, just move over to the right lane to let others pass on the left lane(s).