wheel falling off

Yes i know this is not 240 related but just read it, and has this happened to you.

Just got back from getting gas at 9:20pm, well i am filling up my car, there is a guy in a silver dodge avenger, nice looking one, with a body, lowerd and stock wheels. Well he is on his way out of the gas station, and hits a man hole and the man hole is down in the ground, well his drivers front wheel fall off the car, and srcapes the front bumper like 10 feet, sucks to be him.

holy crap!?
my question is, will you ever paint your front bumper?

man…that hurts…but you should have taken a pic lol

you too, paint your hood!

shhh I might actually just paint the whole car rubberized black once all the rust spots are taken care off

that was some man hole eh…

he needs to fill in those two lines he missed down the car.
why paint your car if your not gonna finish?

bahahaha, i didn’t even notice that

The car is going black very soon now, because i took off my vinals and the paint came with it on the the right side, but 2 feet of it, looks like shit now, but o well, but it will be painting soon.

just going all black? or some kind of two-tone?

was going to tone, but with the paint coming off where it did, i and just going all black now.

haha, wheel fell off. that sucks.

where in burlington do you live?

I saw a wheel fall off a bmw on the 407, bounced across the center grass divider, over a car, and right into a U-Haul type truck.

I live just off brant st. and you?

another black 240???

come on guys lets be a little more creative. i’ll bet at least 60% of the cars on the board are black.

wholy tahts sucks for him. i seen a wheel blast off a mini van at jane & eglington and tehre was a nice little spark show after it tooo :?

Hahaha More then 60%,
Look at al the photos from the big meets,

everyone that is not black stands out hardcore

my wheel fell off once and destroyed my lip. i even drove it to an offramp.

heh any suggestion on a colour?

New and Walkers.