When a girl you could potentially bang asks how many you've slept with...

i feel like i have had some of the most craziest sex anyone can ever have but my number is still somewhat low. but u also have to look at this question in a various different ways.

  1. is she wify material? if so then truth
  2. is she some stupid whoooor that is only being used as a cum catcher? if so then lie

so…when it comes down to it, it doesnt really matter because she is going to get your beef socket rocket shoved into her boca either way. nom nom

Thannnnnnkkk you… plus rep

your welcome!

Should I REALLY get involved in this convo…?

no!!! leave the bananna out of it!

as long as you keep pics of your dong out of the thread, im cool


If a girl doesn’t ask that ? then she knows she is/was a slut

You lied to me…I still don’t know the truth…hooker!



:number1 thats what i’ve done a few times.

You havent lived till you ran a train in a port-a-potty!