When do you Christmas shop?

just got home from christmas shopping. i would have put it off until tomorrow but everything is closed then.

Know what your looking for and get the fuck out is how I see it.

today is always a good day. last minute sales.:smiley:

I started in october guys. I ordered about 90 percent of the shit online, and checked the “giftwrap” box. The shit comes to my door already wrapped with a gift tag on it.

this year I took care of most of my shopping the week before thanksgiving because I always wait til the last minute and its such a pain in the ass to run around looking for stuff when stores are out of mostly everything

For the past few years I have gone on Christmas Eve, but not this year. I was scheduled to work all day today, so I took care of it a couple weeks ago.

Last night was pretty frustrating while trying to work with backed up traffic at 10PM on Transit :shoot:

I don’t. I got my mom something shitty and that’s it. The rest of the stuff I bought over the past couple of weeks were for me. :slight_smile:

I did all my shopping this year in November pretty much…not a cheap year…