When do you Christmas shop?

Had a discussion last night and people are amazed that I wait till Christmas Eve to go out and do my shopping. I work full time so I refuse to go during a weekend or with the after work rush.

Unless I am looking for something really unique, i have never had a problem getting stuff the night before and its usually 100x less busy.

I look way before Christmas because if I give a gift I want it to kick ass.

been done for a lil over 2 weeks now… usually get the bulk of it done after thanksgiving

about 5 days after xmas.

i did all $600 worth tues night (son of a…). im ready to roll. i got my xmas shopping done in about 2 hrs. not bad.

We normally start purchasing stuff around sept & oct. 95% of our shopping is done before black friday. I hate going out with all the crazy last minute people.


I just don’t understand these people who go and spend hours in the mall shopping. An hour max and I am out.

kinda never

The wife did all the shopping…but I still have to get her a few things today at some point.

I suppose I should acquire something for my mom.

I’m selling a savage bolt action .223 rifle. $300. Perfect gift!


I did some of it last night.
bought a 33 gal compressor from sears for my dad…
then wrapped it in the back of his suburban. (I had to borrow his own suv to buy it!)

it’s been running ever since it came out of the box heating his garage actually.
err cycling i should say.

Yea no shit the traffic sucked last night, a lot of people wait til the last minute.

I"m not usually done until a few days before

Seeing as she named you CHRISTIAN that might be a good idea. lol


spent about 1.5 hrs shopping yesterday

I was at the mall for 3.5 hours last night. But just looking at people.

i did about 1.5 months ago all on internet and ebay…fuck leaving the house…

I didi it at the last minute for the past two years, this year i started after thanksgiving.