When do your snow tires go on?

Got bored so figured I’d throw a poll up.
When do you put your snow tires on?
What tires do you run? How would you rate them?
Or, do you run all-seasons?

Traccmaxx Ice Plus, awesome tire. I have loved them and they loved me back.

bf goodrich winer slaloms in the first week of november. better safe than sorry.

Hakka R’s. Dope as F. Once it snows.

Where is the option for “When it snows”

also first snow

I run all seasons :meh:

Hakka 2’s. When it snows.

come on luke, wheres the day it snows option…lol…

The night before they forcast the first snow fall of any significance.

Bridgestone Blizzack WS-60s. There good, especially with the AWD. I also wait till it snows or when temps hit freezing to put them on

A day before the first sticking snow is forecast. Hankook iPikes last year, Blizzack WS-60’s this year if Jon and I eventually get around to exchanging my cash for his tires. :slight_smile:

How’d you like the iPikes? They look like a Hakka with a different name on the sidewall, just wondering if you liked them?

Once it starts to snow, usually mid-December

I wait until it snows too. But I killed a tire so I have one winter tire on now. It beats running a donut!

I’ll have to post pics of the tire. It’s the strangest tire failure I’ve ever seen. It lost a 1/4" strip of rubber all the way around towards the inside of the tire right down to the belts. Tire pressure was still at 32psi when I took it off and all front end elements are fully functional. It’s some strange shit.