When is switching to all business casual bad?

khakis or dress pants with a polo, nice sweater, or button down shirt at gorman enterprises… not too bad. suits on important days and trips of course

I fucking hate wearing khakis to work…

I like changing to go to the gym at work, right as investors are walking out the door and I’m in my cutoffs and shorts, they look at me funny.


you can still where all the pants from your suits

Do button up shirts w/ nice pants no tie


what are all the stretch pants wearing old ladies going to dress like now since Business casual is ok? YIKES LOL. Poor Brett :frowning:

Stretch pants are highly versatile.

No you can, a suit pant is a completely different cut than a business casual cut pant. Also fading on your pants to do more frequent landering is going to kill a decent looking suit. Suit pants should only be worn when in conjunction with the suit.

I love wearing jeans and hoodies at work :smiley: When I have meetings I dress up, but nothing more then dress pants and a nice button up. Ahh, the good life.


I don’t mind dressing in suits every day.

In fact, I wish more places would. I am of the opinion that we should go back to a more formal standard for dressing like we had 50 years ago. Maybe not quite to that extent, but if I see another person running around in the mall or anywhere in public in fucking PJs or sweat pants, I might have to choke a bitch.

dry cleaning can drain the bank too !!


Forget that. I feel that it just further promotes the stereotype that people that dress up are better then those that dont. For that very reason, I have never worn a tie to a job interview. And… well, i’ve had some good jobs.


HAD? whammy :stuck_out_tongue:

And still HAVE a good job :wink:

fuck that if they are $500 suits, then who cares if you fade the pants. Odds are if it is a modern suit (1 or 2 button) then It will most likely be out of style before the pants fade


lol im just playin

I agree. I like to switch off between pink tafetta and gold lamay.

Haha, pimptastic

This is hilarious.

  1. What higher being is mandating such practices?
  2. Who, other than a gay sociology/political science major (and possibly their ugly girl friends) will notice?
  3. Why would any person with half of a brain care about said people in #2?