When was the last time you washed/changed your pants?

I rarely wear jeans for longer than few days, but I avoid washing them unless they are really dirty…maybe once every few months. You’re really not supposed to wash denim… especially via washer and dryer…


when they are dirty…?!

As long as they can last without getting something on them/being smelly I wear em.


these jeans im wearing i havent washed in around a month :tup:

my shit was clean this morning … i go like 2 days 3 days tops then i wash …its not that they smell im sure i could go longer…

but woman should wash everytime it a thong or lack of undies is in play

now my work on car pants i think it has been a year or so … but i always have shorts on under them and they are black with some blue

Every two-three times of light use.


I’ll usually go 4 wears or so between washes.

After the wash, they don’t fit right on the first wear anyway. It takes a day to wear them back to the right fit.

2 wears for jeans, 3 if i don’t leave the house. Dress pants, 2, never consecutive days.

Unless of course, I spill shit on them or they’re visibly dirty, then it’s wash immediately.

well. these ones were just washed, and I don’t like the feeling.

Most of them are at least a month from a good washing. Found a receipt from a restaurant in SF in my one pair, and I went there the first week of January.

pants washing = 4 * time between average hair washing

a lot depends what I was doing in the jeans. if I was doing any strenuous activity or out at a bar, they are definitely getting washed before I wear them next.

I am in the habit of throwing everything I wear on a given day directly into the washing machine at the end of the day. I do have a large number of clothes though, so I guess I don’t worry about them wearing out too soon.

since when is gay sex light use?

I wash mine every time I wear them.

This is a pretty reasonable rule, though I usually go a bit further with jeans. After a week or so, they start to feel pretty nasty, so I almost always wash them before 5 wears.

That’s pretty darn wasteful, unless you’re wearing a full load’s worth of clothes every day. You’re going to wind up paying double or triple what you need to on energy costs for washer/dryer, detergent, etc.

I’m sorry, I forgot to add that I do wait until the washer is full before I actually run the load. I guess I could wear things a couple times before I wash them but I don’t see that happening.

Being in college= not having my own washer/dryer, so I end up doing everything at once every 2 weeks or so. I’ve got a rotation of pants to wear and just end having to do laundry when I run out of clean socks and boxers

wow, I feel less scummy after reading this post. I usually wear the same pair of jeans all week then do laundry on the weekend. Dress pants only get worn once since I have enough different colored pants to last all week.

I havent bought jeans for a while because with all the new ones (gap, hollister, etc) the thighs are too tight. I am hesitant with assuming they will stretch out.

Same here. :lol:

They don’t stretch, actually it seems to be the inverse. I purchased a pair of jeans that fit in the store, washed them on cold and dried on low and the fuckers were so tight on my nuts that I just got rid of them.

yea thats what I figured. I need to find a store that accomodates to non-toothpick legs… lol

I could never wear a pair of jeans for a month, I am too messy with food and grease. lol
