When was your last accident?

^ :rofl

My last accident was in May 2006, and I text, etc. while driving all the time. It’s really not that hard to drive and do something else while driving. At least in my opinion. I can eat a burger and drive with me knee all day. Not saying I condone it, just saying I do it.

I was not texting or anything for this accident though.

Anyhow…I hit a deer doing 76 right past exit 24 at 3am while coming home from Syracuse. It jumped out last second, I had the brain power at that time of night to not slam on the brakes/swerve because there was a car right next to me (silver Mazda 3) that I would have DESTROYED if I had reacted poorly. I just gripped the wheel, feathered the brake best I could, and immediately pulled to the shoulder.

Luckily, I had a parts car (bought at the auction as ‘stolen’ thinking I would swap interiors and have a lower mileage car but it ended up having a busted tranny, cut harnesses, etc.) and had the car back on the road within 24hrs.




After some time with a piece of steel beam and a hammer:


the green constrution building there? it was almost right infront of it it was in a black grandprix gtp. and she corrected it then it swung back she paniced and let go i grabbed the wheel spun it back but not in time. funny thing is i hang thatcorner at 60moh in my 3000 like nothing

last accident was my roommate hitting black ice and bouncing us off of a tree doing about 35… totalled his f150

other than that, ive only been rear ended once when i used to have an old 1983 toyota truck… was sitting in front of a high school near my old apartment in after school traffic and the guy behind me failed to stop and pushed me into a ford focus with his early 80s 3/4 ton dodge ram… no fucks were given by my old toyota, but his bumper, grille, radiator, ac condenser, and turn signal were all busted to shit… my rear “bumper” at the time was a piece of 2x4 boxed steel welded to the rear of the frame rails after i cut the frame off behind the rear shackle hangers :rofl the only shitty part was that my friend and i were on the way back to the apartment from a taco bell run and all 4 32oz drinks went flying around in the cab of the truck… when i got home, i just washed it out with a hose :rofl

I backed into my brother’s girlfriend’s car Monday morning and when I got out of the truck to see what I did I forgot to put it in park and it knocked over the garbage can. No damage to my truck on either end but her door has a big dent in it that I need to get fixed.

Figures its the same door she just got fixed about 3 weeks ago from another accident where she wasnt at fault.

Only accident I had was backing out of driveway prom night in my moms truck and hitting the pizza delivery guys car that I couldnt see at all over the back of the bed.

Almost crashed the g8 in that one little slush storm we had before I put it away. was on my way to pick up a modded xbox from Ilya and hit a patch of slush and the car completely turn around and I was sliding backwards and stopped inches short of hitting a pole… My heart was beating so fast throughout this whole deal.

4/16/2012… Woman pulled out in front of my and had to jam on her breaks for a car making a turn. We collided. I totaled my Town and Country as well as my right hip, 1 lung and a sub dermal hematoma.

few years ago some chick smashed into the back of my comanche (yes I actually owned a comanche) at a stop light. Trashed the tube bumper and pretty much totaled her car.

My last accident was about 9 years ago, i was 16 or 17. Someone hit the rear of my truck while i was stopped at a light. They cut the corner too tight turning into a subway. No damage to my truck. That’s the only “accident” i’ve ever had…knock on wood. Actually some guy rear ended me while i was getting off i-88 at the truck stop like 6 months ago. No damage to my truck, he just hit my hitch and cracked his bumper

I had a rough weekend during our October snow storm. I was in old mans 06 ram 1500, and was backing out of a drive when his shifter cable snapped. His ebrake would not hold the truck in reverse so I could not get under the truck to atleast get it in drive. I had to call him to come help me out at 9pm. He was pissed to begin with. He has to take my car to come save my ass. My car had pretty shitty tires (why I took his truck). He ends up sliding down a hill unable to stop, as the road comes to a T at the stop sign. Some how he avoids a serious T-bone but hits the rear of a plow truck. Car was still driveable, I was driving it 2 days later and creamed a deer at atleast 45 :lol happened to be on the otherside of the car too. It was 4700 dollars in repairs.

YEP, I passed you guys. Sorry to hear that man. Glad you are OK though. You guys here IN THERE too. Looked pretty bad when I went by.

And yea, that S section is FUN!

thanks man but yea it was mostly whip lash shes little so she got it bad. and it destroyed the car which is ehy i have the 3000 because it was all i could get

This is the worse one I believe, 2005 :lol


I’m sorry but this NEEDS to be turned into a PJB cartoon.

The HDPE can be pretty heavy. But atleast it wasn’t the bucket itself lol.

2 winters ago. Driving my girlfriends 99 Elantra to work so I can inspect it for her, it’s a pretty much white-out blizzard morning. Going up the hill right next to my house, Blazer behind me hits me at the top of the hill, pushes by, takes the right-hand turn at the stop sign and speeds off. No chance of catching them in the POS fwd Hyundai.

No frame damage, but the tailight and deck-lid were annihilated. Worked at H&V, fixed it for $150 in parts and a few early morning hours. First and only accident ever.

I remember you telling me about that lol.

Yea it wasn’t even that thin corrugated HDPE pipe thy use for drainage. It was the super thick and heavy shit they use for water and sewer force mains.

2 Easters ago I was driving in my 04 celica gts, came to a stop while someone was turning, plenty of cars in front of me, noticeably stopped, glanced at my rear view mirror said “he’s not stopping” was rear ended by a Honda, pushing into oncoming traffic and t-boned by a land rover, and pushed off into the firehouse lawn (perfect place). I was 15 weeks pregnant. Got away with some glass pieces in my arm and a big bruise on my right knee from hitting the console. I was a lucky girl. Even more lucky at the fact they totaled the car. Which I paid 9000$ for, ended up getting a check for 12,600$ :slight_smile: everything happens for a reason

do you work for a cmpany that does a lot of pipe work? if so who?