When will MikeRi24 start his first poll about his new mustang?




Where is he will post about getting pulled over 10 times a day for driving in amherst…


Where is he will post about getting pulled over 10 times a day for driving in amherst…


cops have alreeady been to his house for him driving it 10 ft

Tomorrow. Today he’s already being harassed by APD because his neighbors hate him. :slight_smile:

its gotta be cleaned before he can let the internet make his decisions for him. gosh, what dont u understand about that??


Way too soon.

I voted “today” but thats wrong.

The car has to be detailed and suffer from a weaksauce photo shoot first.

Then he will get pulled over for something illegal, and cry about it.

Theeeeen a poll about what to do with his exhaust / tint / CUT-OUT


anyone know where he lives… so we can go to his house and weld in whistle tips on all his cars?


Who’s a better character? BubbRub or Lil’ Sis?

LOL Whistle Tip

ONLY 60 some cents per tip… and you just shove it in…


Everyone knows… but have you actually purchased a gross of whistle tips, and put them in every car you can find on elmwood?

wait. how do the whistle tips go?


hahahahah boss just ordered 25 of them

10 of them are mine… looks like its gonna be a noisy time on elmwood, for the 4th of july




i see.

I have some boost leaks, is there a guarantee that my whistles will indeed go wooooo?

i clicked the wrong button. i meant within one week.

i don’t know what the hell articzap was thinking.
