Whas up. Pressed for time trying to install a new cd player in a jetta. cant reach anything metal for a ground so i was trying to take out the center of the dash to reach this bolt i can touch with a finger. Its a 2001 jetta 1.8t (not my car). Does anyone know how to get it out witout breaking it lol???
? use the harness
there is no tabs per se. i takes a special tool to pull the stock radio. Older vw’s use a “u” style puller on each side liek ford. Newer ones use a different tool alltogether that onlyvw and audi use. It looks similar to the new mercedes benz radio tool.
once that is out, there is a shit load of torx head screw you undo if you want to take apart the center console area. you shouldnt have to though. i would run your ground wire elsewhere on the dash than off the metal bracket directly around the radio bezel area. 99% of the vw’s i see that have done this usually end up being butchered–esp on the older vw’s. worse case senerio, pull a ground wire from the radio over to the common ground post on the left/driver’s side “A” post.
go to vwvortex and search credit card radio tool they will show you how to cut it and make the tool, i used it on mine