Want to make my own bra (like a 3M or Starsheild). In black vinyl. Any references would be helpful. Many thanks.
i wouldnt do it in black… it will tear up when hit with rocks… and wont match your paint very well after a lil while (when the sun/soap/rocks) cause it to scratch and fade… just get the clear stuff
is it bad that i thought you meant a record store?
fsw/fws on elmwood one of those rigth by the vidock sp? lol
JoAnn Fabrics… if you are cheap like me go to the discount bins, i found like 10 ft of black vinyl for $1 / yd
3m bra i believe only comes in clear. or white.
but ive seen 8 mil vinyl tinted black (headlight tints) but dont know where to get it.
Hyatts downtown caries a convex clear material in various thicknesses & works great for chip guard. and is a lot cheaper than the 3m or Rockblocker material.
best deal. for overall chip guard. CONVEX
Thanks guys, I’ll look into the suggestions. Anymore?
you can get a rool of any size vinyl for a good price from www.mrletter.com