where to get nitrous hard line

3/16th stuff, summit only has 12" which is fine for all but 2 of the ones i need. I know it’s just steel brake line basically but i feel ghetto using that right now. autozone has it through their website in 18" sections but when i went to ship it came up $37 for ground shipping WTF!?

I did an ebay search and a google search, came up empty…i need 2 sections at least 18" (which is what autozone listed)

why not just get a long peice they have in stock and learn to flare :wink:

use brake line

on second thought couldnt you get a 40 inch length and make two piece out of it if you only need on side flared?

i did that today it just looks kinda ghetto cuz it’s silver and the others are gold

function > fashion

fucking show car drivers :rolleyes:


so is this Tsi going to see the track before the race season is over?

i’m hoping