Where to get rid of rims and tires?

I need to know where to get rid of some rims and tires. I don’t want them at my house any longer. Will pay if necessary.

If this isn’t right forum, mods move it.

by law all vehicle shops have to take waste tires oil batteries FOR FREE

^r u sure, they normally charge a "disposal fee

"how many? PM me

what kind of rims/tires are they?

incorrect, we do not have to take waste tires, as it costs us to dispose of them. even if you take them to the town, they charge you a nominal fee to dispose of them there. the oil and batteries we take, but shit, we get credit for those things :stuck_out_tongue:

at queers they made us take the tires. no matter what.

Thats what i thought, but nitro where did you work (sears? lol)


Take those to the bone yard,depending on how many you have that is.Scrap is quite high right now.

Joe how much would it cost to have the tires dismounted. Will you take them then? Rims are easy to get rid of.
