Where to put EGT probe?

Last time it was after the turbo and some ppl didnt like the sound of that so should I put it in the manifold and where at? Closer to the motor or closer to the turbo or in the middle thnx


ummm after the turbo is NOT the spot for it…better do some research

directions for it said so ask jeff…laughter doesnt help me at all

^^ Most egts on ment to be turbo cars I have seen are usualy at the downpipe/first cat… or shortly after that at the begining of the exhaust.

I would personally put it on the first cylinder exhaust port. Which is where the hottest gases would come from.

thought it was cyl 3?

you could put it in the downpipe without a problem,

on a honda its #3 that gets hot 1st like 2" from the head if possible,

(num 3 is the third one over from the timing belt)


manifold collector.

Standard positioning of EGT probes is the distance that equals 1/2 the diameter of the exhaust port on the hottest cylinder. So if you have a 1 inch exhaust port you’d put the probe a 1/2 inch in from the exhaust manifold/ cylinder head mating surface.