Some Questions

Should I hear any noise at all from the turbo? If so what kind?

Im getting a lil oil spray on the hood but not much?

My EGT temps have stayed the same since the car started running, the EGT is mounted 2 inch away from the turbo (after the turbo in the downpipe)…EGT temps have been around 12.1 is this normal or what is normal for after the turbo? Car hasnt gotten any hotter then it has ever been even before the turbo setup

what do u mean by noise? you should here it spool…

also what do u mean by oil spray… no oil should be sprayin anywhere… can you see where the oil is coming from, like if u pop the hood and have some one rev it alittle, can you see oil spraying

12.1 egt’s? …ahhh what measurement might that be?

1210 degrees

Im gettin a lil mist on the hood

1210 is a little hot. most people say 900 is teh safe max on a pump gas street motor

the egt probe is 2 inches from the exhaust housing!?

my exaust probe is 2" out from my port of my exaust before my turbo, and people say up to 1500F is ok anything over that is pretty hot and can cause damage