Where was Layzie?

What was Layzie doing this morning at 5am?


watched this story on the news. Looks just like layzie and the car he escaped with was either a black or gray civic, haha!!

Hahaha. What a fucking idiot.

I’d laugh if the police showed up to Southgate cuz Honda kids go there.

his car is a 2 door lol

i heard kev needed new tires…


i heard kev needed new tires…


he ran at race wars…


What was Layzie doing this morning at 5am?


watched this story on the news. Looks just like layzie and the car he escaped with was either a black or gray civic, haha!!


lol i saw this on the news last night and honestly looked at my frriend and said "musta been one of those fags from southgate :lolsign:


christ he probably got like 30 bucks total.

i have a 2 door with no sunroof you moron


i have a 2 door with no sunroof you moron


thought you had a 3 door


i have a 2 door with no sunroof you moron


and you would have had to call me to come get you with my triple A:hitit:

The suspect escaped in a grey honda civic that was loaded on a flatbed. The only clues we have are a disfunctional oil pump left at the scene

i’m just playin kev.


Plot thickens.

I love that these idiots will get caught and have some serious legal issues.

And all for 30 fucking bux.