House #1:This 20 room residence ( not including 8 bathrooms) is heated by natural gas. Its pool (and pool house) and a separate guest house, are all heated by gas. In one month it consumes more energy than the average American household does in a year. The average bill for electricity and natural gas runs over $2400 per month. In natural gas alone, this property consumes more than 20 times the national average for an American home. This house is not situated in a Northern or Midwestern “snow belt” area. It’s in the South.
House #2:Designed by an architecture professor at a leading university, this ranch-style house incorporates every “green” feature current home construction can provide. The house is 4,000 square feet ( 4 bedrooms) and sits on a high prairie in the American southwest. A central closet holds geothermal heat-pumps drawing ground water through pipes sunk 300 feet into the ground. The water (usually 67 degree F) heats the house in the winter and cools it in the summer. The system uses no fossil fuels such as oil or natural gas and it consumes one-quarter the electricity required for a conventional heating/cooling system.
Rainwater from the roof is collected and funneled into a 25,000 gallon underground cistern. Wastewater from showers, sinks and toilets goes into underground purifying tanks and then into the cistern. The collected water then irrigates the land around the house Flowers and shrubs native to the area enable the property to blend into the surrounding rural landscape
HOUSE #1, near Nashville Tennessee, is
the abode of the "environmentalist" Al Gore.
HOUSE #2, near Crawford Texas, is the home of
the President of the United States, George W. Bush.
An "inconvenient truth." I hope this gets passed to everyone!
And yes, it's already been verfied:
i read this yesterday, and as much as I hate Gore, The Gore Mansion was built in the mid 20th century and has been extensively modified, and Gore buys carbon offsets as well as having solar energy collectors.
The Crawford Ranch is one of 5 homes GW has. Each of the others uses as much energy as the Gore homestead.
I just saw Mrs. Bush on TV talking about a new home they are building that is very friendly.
Maybe it was an old show and this is the house.
I get a little scared when the President builds a self sustaining, off-grid house.
Does he know something about the future that we don’t know?:tinfoilhat:
ironically GWB had no input into the house minus writing the check, it was the architects plan to have GWB build a green house, GWB just said ok because most of the materials used in the building of the house came from the local community.
/agree, he owns 5 homes and im pretty sure he built that one so he could bost about how environmentally friendly he is, when in realiaty, his other 4 homes use just as much energy as gores house most likely.
He didn’t even state or lead the design a bit, like a normal property owner would do, he just said “I want a house, with a nice size bedroom, a good shower and a porch with a lot of comfortable chairs.”
Usually people that want a green building states “I want to be a TEGBC house”
This is nothing more than buying a house off a shelf, and oh great it happens to be green as well.