Which Verizon phone to get???

Well basically I could get by perfectly fine carrying a cell phone and PDA, but why carry one thing instead of two?

What I want to do is:

-Make phone calls
-Send the occassional text message
-Have a digital calendar in my pocket, preferrably that I can sync with my home and work computers
-Track my spending
-Have some sort of map program (not GPS navi, just like Microsoft Streets and Trips in my pocket.)
-Maybe go online once in a while just to play around
-Carry/view/edit a couple office docs

That’s about it. I’ve played with the idea of getting the smallest most reliable cell phone Verizon offers and a Palm TX. That has its up-sides, but I figured what have 2 things when I only need one.

What I’m not willing to do is pay an extra $50/month to always have internet in my pocket.